Porn Star minister and GM babies
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CafébabelTwo Quickies a day keep the doctor away!
GM Babies
More than 100 genetically-modified babies with three parents could be born each year in Britain, it emerged yesterday. The Government has published draft rules that will allow IVF doctors to make babies free of devastating diseases that can kill hours after birth. In a world first, the law could be changed by the end of this year – paving the way for the first GM babies to be born next year.
Read on dailymail.co.uk 28/02/2014
Rick Angel: porn star and advisor to Sarkozy
Rick Angel had sex with more than 2000 women. In porn movies. This didn't stop him becoming an advisor to the Sarkozy government. Unfortunately, in 2008, because of his former job, he was forced to quit his place at the Interior Ministry. Now he's back on the porn scene. Want to read his story?
Read on streetpress.com 28/02/2014
Translated from Porno ministeriale e bambini ogm