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Poetry Advent Calendar 21: Reverse Book Club

Published on

The Poetry Round

The idea of a book club can be enticing for bibliophiles - but for many of us there are nig­gling doubts when we con­sider join­ing one. What if they only read dread­ful nov­els of the kind dis­cussed in [in­sert de­spised pub­li­ca­tion here]. What if the group is made up by peo­ple who don't re­ally lis­ten, but in­stead like re­peat­ing their own opin­ions loudly?

If these fears sound  fa­mil­iar, then the Re­verse Book Club might be for you. To join the Re­verse Book Club, you pay £6 for 3 books (a bar­gain, I'm sure you'll agree). How­ever, you don't have to read these books and you cer­tainly don't have to dis­cuss them. In­stead, our friends at Book Aid In­ter­na­tional send them to com­mu­ni­ties in the de­vel­op­ing world, so that they can help read­ers who need them most.