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Playlist of the week: Picnic tunes

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What is a picnic without some background noise?  In honour of Picnic Week in the UK, cafébabel English has compiled a genre-defying listicle of the musthave songs for your next outdoor meal.

Nina Nes­bitt - Way in the World

As this is a British hol­i­day, let's start with ris­ing star Nina Nes­bitt and her chanson dedicated to finding your place in this big world, or in other words, your spot on the picnic blanket.

El­liphant - Music is Life

When sum­mer fi­nally comes to the North, Scan­di­na­vians emerge from hi­ber­na­tion to bask in the glo­ri­ous sun. This Swedish MC mixes reg­gae, rap and pop in a po­tent mix­ture that warms the soul after a frozen win­ter.

S.A.R.S. - Mir i ljubav

This lo­ca­tion, along with the Ser­bian melodies rem­i­nis­cent of Sting, is the ideal lo­ca­tion for a se­cluded ro­man­tic pic­nic or a gath­er­ing of cult mem­bers.

Oh Land - Rain­bow

Dan­ish sen­sa­tion Oh Land has a sim­i­lar ef­fect on the Danes as she ser­e­nades them out of their slum­ber with this ode to rainbows, the ideal picnic weather.

Seeed - Cherry Oh

In Ger­many, there is a spe­cial pic­nic tra­di­tion: bar­beque. Ger­mans often com­pete for the choici­est spot to show off their grilling su­premacy.

Dehli2­Dublin - Ap­ples

In­dian bhangra and Irish fid­dle never sounded so good. The psy­che­delic video may re­mind you of when your last LSD-in­duced hal­lu­ci­na­tions turned a tra­di­tional pic­nic up­side­down.

The Com­mon Lin­nets - Sun Song

Sun. Coun­try Music. What else does a pic­nic need to cre­ate the ideal am­biance than the Dutch con­tri­bu­tion to this list? 

Lo­comondo - Dro­mos Tis Kar­dias

Greek reg­gae. Enough said.