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Image for Pim de Kuijer, a fellow Babelian died in Malaysian Airline MH17 air crash over Ukraine

Pim de Kuijer, a fellow Babelian died in Malaysian Airline MH17 air crash over Ukraine

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inside cafébabel

Sometimes front-page news reach you directly via your Facebook private messages. Yesterday, we learned through Thamar Zylstra, a former Babelian from our local team in Amsterdam, that Pim de Kuijer was reported dead after the crash of the MH17 airplane shot in Ukraine.

Pim was a long time au­thor of cafébabel. He started writ­ing for us back in 2005 and pub­lished a total of 13 ar­ti­cles for cafébabel, in­clud­ing one fea­ture re­port he wrote on Barcelona street per­form­ers in 2007.

Pim was a pas­sion­ate and ide­al­is­tic per­son, in­volved in human rights and en­gaged in pro­mot­ing peace and democ­racy. Para­dox­i­cally his plane crashed in Ukraine, a coun­try he knew as he went there on a mis­sion to in­spect elec­tions in Ukraine a few years ago. Until July 2014, he worked for MEP Emine Bozkurt and he died while on his way to an Aids con­fer­ence in Mel­bourne where he was in­volved as an ac­tivist for the Stop Aids Now cam­paign.

Pim was 32 years old. Our thoughts go out to his fam­ily, friends and col­leagues who were shocked by this ter­ri­ble news.