Peace Babies #3 Cliodhna: an Irish name and a target on your back
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Cliodhna, known to her friends as Clio, is the second "peace baby" interviewed in a four-part podcast about identity in Northern Ireland. The unequivocal PhD student from North Belfast gives us an insight of Belfast's many faces, and talks about her attachment to the Irish Gaelic language.
It’s only 7 p.m., but in Belfast in the middle of January, darkness has already fallen since almost two hours ago. The Maddens, one of the downtown Irish bars, comes to life gradually while waiting for a band that should be here any minute. Meanwhile, Clio is leaning against the wooden bench, she's talking to the bar owner, with a pint of Guinness in her hand.
She spends time in the same spots in Belfast as Anna. However, they have a different view regarding their city: "It's difficult in Belfast. I feel like you always have to be careful about what you say depending on where you are, especially in bars."
Clio grew up in Androyne, a predominantly Catholic area in North Belfast. She's the first in her family to go to university. When she is not at the pub, she is working on her thesis. With her typical curious and uncompromising attitude, she gives us anecdotes about the political history of the city, that she knows inside out.
Peace Babies is a series about the identity of those who were born after the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Find all episodes on Ausha, Deezer, Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Podcast, and Podcast Addict.
Translated from Peace Process Babies #3 Cliodhna, un prénom irlandais et une cible dans le dos