Paris-Berlin: 20 years of cultural exchanges
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Cultural exchanges are not limited to high school pupils and Erasmus students. The officials are at it too! On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the cooperation between Paris and Berlin, Bertrand Delanoe was invited to go to Germany on the 19th and 20th of September by his German counterpart, Klaus Wowereit.
Launched on the 2nd of July 1987, the purpose of this collaboration is to develop creative and cultural exchanges between the two European capitals.
Paris-Berlin, twin cities
Many common points bring together the Parisian and Berliner mayors. At the top of the list: their devotion to culture. From which their interest for that cooperation. Klaus Wowereit was for example able to present to his French equivalent a new place of creation, Radia System, which opened during fall 2006. The Parisian team 104, which groups together some artists of all kinds, was also present during that visit. Their presence enabled to launch a common project for 2008 in collaboration with local creators. The two mayors made the most of the city by sharing their experiences on the management of a large city: “ Paris is a city which is much more restricting because of its inheritance” put forward Bertrand Delanoe. “Our city cannot be developed a lot compared to Berlin. Here the housing is less expensive and there is definitely more space. http://www.lepetitjournal.com/content/view/18871/1030
The esplanade of the 9th of November 1989
On the 2nd and 3rd of October, it was Klaus Wowereit’s turn to respond to his Parisian counterpart’s invitation. One of the stops of the Berliner mayor’s visit in the French capital was the inauguration of the esplanade of the 9th of November 1989 in the 15th district. Throughout the autumn, many events will highlight “The Young Creators”. Ten Parisian and Berliner galleries worked on the topic: “Immigration – life between the cultures”: exchanges of art pieces (sculptures, paintings, photographs) will travel until the end of the year between Paris and Berlin.
Johara BoukabousCrédit photo : leptitjournal.com (le journal des Français à l’étranger et des francophones)