Non-native speakers achieve higher GCSE English grades than native speakers
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Joel LewinTwo Quickies a day keep the doctor away
Speakers of English as a foreign language beat native speakers in English GCSEs
According to a survey of all pupils in Great Britain, “working class British boys” perform worse than second language speakers in the GCSE English exam that every student takes at the age of 16. The 1.1 million pupils with English as a second language seem to be more attentive to teachers.
Read on independent.co.uk 5/3/2014
Swedes complain their taxes are too low
With elections just six months away in Sweden, the conservative party is suffering badly in opinion polls despite strong economic growth. The reason? Taxes are too low and they need to be raised! It's a complaint that is unthinkable in many countries, but not in magnanimous Sweden.
Read on WSJ.com 5/3/2014
Translated from Erhöht Schweden die Steuern!