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NECE-conference “Networking for the European Parliament Elections 09” in Strasbourg

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Monika Oelz

inside cafébabel

The NECE-conference “Networking for the European Parliament Elections 09” from 11–13 June (2008) was organised by the Federal Agency for Civic Education to give more than 120 EU multipliers in the field of citizenship education access to information and opportunities for exchange in the areas of existing and planned models, measures and projects for mobilising voters in 2009.

The event will provide a platform for participants interested in pursuing common projects to meet and discuss plans in more detail. It’s primary goal is to increase transparency for existing and planned models, and to promote European cooperative projects. The conference should therefore not only act as a catalyst for European networking and the Europeanisation of citizenship education, but also provide a stage for the work being done in the field.

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