Mladiiinfo wins two awards at the European Youth Award Summit 2012
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24 November 2012, Graz Austria - Mladiinfo – Your Link to Free Education won the Special Graz Award for Best Business Potential and the main award in the education category at the European Youth Award Summit.
The European Youth Award Summit that took place in Graz, Austria between 22 and 24 November, brought hundreds of young entrepreneurs, policy makers, ICT experts, students, NGO representatives to share experience and knowledge and to welcome Europe´s most committed young producers using ICTs for social good.
Out of 1224 designers and developers from 122 UN member states who applied in six different categories with websites, mobile-apps and new media formats, EYA Grand Jury selected 12 European Winners coming from Macedonia (2), Italy (2), Germany (2), Austria (2), Hungary (1), Netherlands (1), France (1) and Belgium (1).
Mladiinfo, a project created by young people from Macedonia deserved the award in the Education category for being a platform where people can ‘learn anything from anyone’. According to organizers Mladiinfo – Your Link to Free Education is a project “With a specific goal in mind, to educate people and to help them overcome their fear of the unknown. They help to make the exchange of knowledge easy, enriching and funny. In other words: Sir Thomas More’s description of Utopia as a place where ‘nobody owns anything, but everyone is rich’ gets kind of possible now.”
The EYA 2010 Gala Awarding Ceremony organized on 24 November brought another recognition for the Mladiinfo work and potential. At the final vote that took place on-site during the Festival after the presentation of the winners, the Grand Jury decided to award Mladiinfo with the Special Graz Award for Best Business Potential.
The overall EYA winner for 2012 is I Mirabilia from Italy