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'Middle East or Near East'? The world according to

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inside cafébabel

I am very excited since that's my first post on this wonderful blog! Thanks to everyone for his/her participation until now... I think we are creating, step by step, a very constructive debate in order to buid an extraordinary European website!

Today, we would like to share with you a reflexion that is important for us: the one on geographical zones in the world.

A bit of background: you know, every article will receive a series of different tags, useful to reference the piece, useful for on site research and for search-engines. Tags will be both free and included in some lists. Among these lists there will be one with all the countries of the world. But a transnational media also have to include a list of geographical zones or regions in the world.

Do we say Middle East or Near East? Asia or Asia-Pacific? South-Eastern Europe or Balkans?

In the attached file (in French but easily understandable), you'll find three list of zones: the first one is a broader one, the second the one I propose for us, the third the world according to European Commission website.

What do you think? Please focus your comments on the second list. I really think that is a subject that is linked to our culture(s). That's why your opinion matters!