Miam-ô-Fruits: The best way to start your day!
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Emily Spencer8am, my smartphone rings, my eyes are swollen, my skin is creased. Just why should I bother to get out of bed? My motivation: two tablespoons of rapeseed oil, half a banana, a little lemon juice, flaxseed, sesame seeds, nuts and a handful of fruit. The Power-Mixture will set me up for the stressful day ahead.
Bread, butter, marmalade, coffee and milk are regulars on our breakfast table. But we also have something a little more healthy: the ‘Miam-ô-Fruits’. The dietitian France Guillain is behind this Power Breakfast, which is supposedly what former professional footballer Zinédine Zidane starts his day with.
France Guillain regularly sails around the world with her five children. And on board, true adventurers need nutritious food in order to stay energized. Processed goods such as Munchbunch yoghurts, Dairy Milk chocolate and sandwich loaf are best avoided. For several years France worked meticulously on ‘Miam-ô-Fruits’ – until she found the perfect formula: "The France Guillain Method: live a balanced life!” is a Bestseller. France Guillain promises readers that 'Miam-ô-Fruits’ will leave them feeling satisfied for up to seven hours... Say goodbye to cravings!
• 1/2 Banana
• 1/2 Lemon – freshly squeezed
• 2 Tablespoon rapeseed oil
• 3 fruits - in season (Avoid citrus fruits and dried fruit).
• 1 tablespoon oil-containing nuts or seeds (Almonds, pestachios, hazlenuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds)
• 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
• 1 tablespoon flaxseed
Mash the banana with a fork, grind the seeds and the nuts, mix it with the lemon juice and the oil until you have an even consistency. Then separate the three different varieties of fruit into three small portions (an apple, a kiwi and a mango for example) and add them to the mix. Your breakfast is ready.
No more excuses
A sip of coffee and a burnt piece of toast almost guarantees a rumbling stomach and a bad mood. Why not take some time to enjoy breakfast... Just as your smartphone needs time to recharge, so do you!
The ‘Miam-O-Fruits’ covers your daily recommended fruit intake. It doesn’t contain animal proteins, gluten or lactose, and is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
I decided to try it for myself. At first, the amount of chopping involved in the preparation process seemed a little excessive, but it most certainly works; I am more alert and my attention has notably improved.
So, why not listen to some retro music and start chopping those fruits!
Translated from Healthy Food: Schau mir in die Müslischüssel, Kleines!