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MEPs... Say what?! Tweets of the week

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PoliticsMEPs... Say What!?

Who says EU politicians are a bunch of faceless bureaucrats? They're people just like us, and here's the proof. Each week Cafébabel will be bringing you a selection of the weirdest, whackiest and most touching Tweets from European parliamentary candidates. We'll bring you bright ideas, brilliance and loonies, and above all we'll bring you reasons to vote in the May elections.

Trans­la­tion: "Eu­ropean Par­lia­ment con­demns the de­ci­sions un­der­taken by the troika. For MEPs,  aus­ter­ity poli­cies have been a fail­ure".

David Sas­soli, jour­nal­ist and one time an­chor of Tg1 news (most pop­u­lar Ital­ian news pro­gramme) is an MEP for the Ital­ian De­mo­caratic Party. He tweeted the re­sults of a vote against the aus­ter­ity mea­sures of the Troika (Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion, In­ter­na­tional Mon­e­tary Fund and Eu­ro­pean Cen­tral Bank) dur­ing the cri­sis in Greece, Cyprus, Ire­land and Por­tu­gal. The vote has no leg­isla­tive ef­fects, but it's a pow­er­ful po­lit­i­cal sym­bol. Is this a sign of ten­sions and con­flict be­tween dif­fer­ent Eu­ro­pean in­sti­tu­tions?

Trans­la­tion: I'm ask­ing my­self if there is still any sense of mea­sure and pro­por­tion­al­ity. #Pol­i­tic­sTues­day

Trans­la­tion: I'm telling my­self that you won't rec­on­cile the French with pol­i­tics in this man­ner. #Pol­i­tic­sTues­day

Robert Rochefort seems to have mo­men­tar­ily lost his mind on Tues­day. A reck­less splurge of 20 tweets in four min­utes briefly and bor­ingly blocked up the Eu­ro­pean Elec­tions Twit­ter feed. His self-in­dul­gent so­cial media splurge call­s for ‘a mea­sure of pro­por­tion­al­ity’ and claims ‘you won’t rec­on­cile the French to pol­i­tics like this’. The irony seems lost on Rochefort. Twit­ter should be used to en­gage vot­ers, not ir­ri­tate them.

Sean Kelly re­minds us that the Ero­pean Par­lia­ment does take im­por­tant de­ci­sions which im­prove our every­day lives! Soon we won’t have to ask around for a phone charger which fits our mo­bile. We won't have to pay for­tunes for ob­scure, strangely shaped re­place­ments. Eu­rope will be­come a har­mo­nious, charger-shar­ing utopia!

Trans­la­tion:  Nano par­ti­cles in your food with­out your knowl­edge. Does that tempt you? De­ci­sion to be taken to­mor­row in Stras­bourg. My choice is NO.

José Bovè was once im­pris­oned for three months for dis­man­tling a Mc­Don­alds. He once trav­elled to the USA with 30kg of Rochefort cheese in his lug­gage to protest against US tar­iffs on Eu­ro­pean goods. To­gether with Ska Keller, José Bovè was re­cently cho­sen to lead the Green Coali­tion for the EU elec­tions in May. As you can see from this tweet, he hates the glob­alised in­dus­trial food in­dus­try.

Trans­la­tion: Girls, today I rec­om­mend for you- mus­sels. Enjoy!".

On In­ter­na­tional Women's Day, some peo­ple were out cam­paign­ing for sex­ual equal­ity. This Pol­ish politi­cian was at home mak­ing crude misog­y­nist quips on Twit­ter. A mus­sel is Pol­ish slang for a vagina. He at­tached a link to a recipe for mus­sels and the hash­tag #im­plied­mean­ings to make sure no­body missed the joke.

"Lack of ac­count­abil­ity" is one of the weapons favoured by Eu­roscep­tics in their at­tacks on the EU. Like many Eu­roscep­tic ar­gu­ments, this one is based on myths and mis­in­for­ma­tion. Every EU Treaty, most re­cently the 2009 Lis­bon Treaty, has given more power to the di­rectly elected Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment. Her­man van Rompuy is Pres­i­dent of the Eu­ro­pean Coun­cil. The Pres­i­dent is elected by na­tional heads of state, and has no leg­isla­tive power any­way. Krem­lin…. re­ally ?

Trans­la­tion: Hol­lande- a man with his ear to the ground! Stasi 2.0 #Sarkozy­Tap­ping

With ap­proval rat­ings below 20%, Fran­cois Hol­lande is the most un­pop­u­lar French Pres­i­dent ever. He stum­bles from scan­dal to scan­dal, the lat­est one being the Nico­las Sarkozy spy­ing af­fair. Pros­e­cu­tors tapped Sarkozy's phone as part of the in­ves­ti­ga­tion into his fi­nan­cial links with the late Libyan dic­ta­tor Moam­mar Gaddafi. This scan­dal is par­tic­u­larly per­ti­nent in the con­text of Hol­lande's strong crit­i­cism of NSA ac­tiv­i­ties.