Join us in Letterkenny for a Solutions Journalism Training!
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Cafébabel is organising several Solutions Journalism workshops across Europe to aspiring reporters, students and young journalists. Free and open to all young Europeans, the objective is how solutions journalism can shed new lights on how European projects are implemented on the ground!
Ahoy, ahoy, we have a great opportunity for young Europeans in Letterkenny, Ireland!
Babel International the publisher of Cafébabel.com teamed up with the Association of European Regions to implement the YOUTHopia project. This project, funded by the European Commission, aims why the methodology of solutions journalism to shed new lights and perspectives on how we could report and communicate on local projects funded by the European Union.
One of the activity of YOUTHopia is to propose a free training on solutions journalism where young Europeans interested in journalism, young reporters or European activities can learn and experiment in four days about the basics of solutions journalism and how the European Union is funding local and regional projects.
The next edition of this workshop will take place from Wednesday 23 (noon) to Saturday 26 August (mid-afternoon) in Letterkenny, Ireland
At the end of the training, participants are expected to produce their own social media stories, like a Tiktok report. The best reports will be published on Cafébabel's own Tiktok page!
Up to 15 participants will be trained. While most participants are expected to be in in-person for this training, remote attendance may be arranged.
Unfortunately, we cannot take responsibility for unaccompanied minors. Reach out to Pauline ([email protected] or whatsapp +33664919683) in case you are underraged so we can explore how to make your participation possible.
How much does it cost? What is covered?
This is a free training!
Food We will provide snacks and lunch everyday to the participants, free of charge. Participants will have to arrange and pay for their dinners.
Transport We can reimburse public transport tickets to and back from Letterkenny, up to 50€ per participant. There are regular buses from Dublin to Letterkenny (4-hour-long trip, 9 buses/day, 16-25€ single fare, more information here).
Accommodation We are arranging and providing accommodation for up to 10 participants at the Mount Errigal Hotel. Participants who need accommodation will be sharing a twin room with another workshop participant.
Planning and details on the programme
Participants are expected to attend the entire programme. Every day includes regular breaks and a one hour lunch break.
• Day 1 - Wednesday 23 from 12-17.00
• Day 2 - Thursday 24 from 10-15.00
• Day 3 - Friday 25 from 10-15.00
• Day 4 - Saturday 26 from 10-14.30
The detailed programme will be shared with the participants after registering.
While participants are expected to produce their stories in the languages they want, the training will be provided in English.
But languages should not be an issue! The training is made for participants with a B1/B2 level.
During those four days:
Day 1 is really focused on solutions journalism. What is this concept and methodology and how it can be useful to young reporters.
Day 2 we try to link solutions journalism and EU polices and programmes. After a quick reminder of the pillars of solutions journalism, we dive into EU programmes on the ground (with a focus on education, social programmes, environment). As NGOs, companies or other local actors are implementing EU projects to fix local social and environmental problems, here participants will be equipped to look at those stories from a solutions journalism angle.
Day 3 is the start of the production phase. The morning is dedicated to some basics or script writing and social media reporting. And then we go to a more mentoring phase with students looking for their stories, writing their scripts etc. This session can be a bit longer depending on the needs of the students.
Day 4 is the last day. Mentoring, script, producing ... and if some students are already done with their stories, well we can publish them the following days.
"I'm interested, what should I do?"
It is very simple! You just need to fill this form.
This is a first-come-first-served registration. We will confirm you have a spot for the training after you've submitted your information in this form.
In case you have any questions, you can get in touch with Pauline: by email [email protected] or phone/whatsapp +33(0)6 64 91 96 83.
Wait, what is solutions journalism? And why it matters?
Solutions Journalism is a journalistic methodology focusing on responses to social and environmental issues as well as the problems. With this methodology, reporters are guiding their audiences on how, for instance, local projects implemented by public authorities, NGOs or companies are tackling social and environmental issues.
The goal of this journalistic approach is to provide to readers, viewers and listeners a more complete view of these issues, helping audiences to be active citizens.
As journalism is now at cross-road between the rise of social media platforms or disinformation, this reporting methodology aims at also re-connecting journalists with their audiences.