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In the UK, you can kill yourself with a tenner's worth of booze

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Two Quickies a day keep the doctor away.

In UK it is pos­si­ble to buy enough al­co­hol to kill you with a ten pound note.

Looks like there is some kind of sub­stance abuse on the British Isles. Well, just a lit­tle... Those Brits are bang­ing back the booze like there's no to­mor­row. Pre-drink­ing, Ne­kNom­i­nat­ing, lash­ing, drink­ing their lit­tle British brains into obliv­ion... Dr Bob Win­ter, head of NHS crit­i­cal care, said that a third of in­ten­sive care beds at week­ends are taken up by pa­tients crit­i­cally ill from al­co­hol. Ac­cord­ing to him, the prices at su­per­mar­kets and off-li­cences in the U.K are so cheap that one may buy enough al­co­hol to ‘die from’ with a £10 note.

Record num­ber of fe­male bil­lion­aires as 172 women make Forbes list

There are now more fe­male bil­lion­aires than ever. A record 172 women made this year's Forbes mag­a­zine bil­lion­aires list, up 25 per cent from last year. How­ever, only 32 of the 172 fe­male bil­lion­aires were self-made. The youngest bil­lion­aire in the world is also a woman, 24-year-old Kei Perenna who has an 85 per cent stake in a Chi­nese real es­tate com­pany

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