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Hungary, Spain co-operate on nuclear research project

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Dini Mézes


January 22, 2008

While Hungary and Spain are rivals in a competition to host the headquarters of the European Union's Spallation Source ESS Project, the two countries have agreed to co-operate in certain fields. The third contestant Sweden rejected the idea of cooperation.

The ESS centre, to be built in the winning country, will employ a total of 4,000 researchers over a 40-year period.

The European Spallation Source is slated to become the world´s most powerful neutron source available to researchers in fields such as materials science, nanotechnology, biosciences and engineering.

Under the agreement, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Ferenc Mezei has been requested to head the joint Hungarian-Spanish programme, which will be presented in Brussels on January 24.

To see the animation of the future ESS project, click here

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