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Image for HUMAN FACTOR 2008: Pérez-Reverte, the hard-hearted hero

HUMAN FACTOR 2008: Pérez-Reverte, the hard-hearted hero

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If the world were divided in “”, would be, according to his own words, a fighter. This Spanish writer, born in Cartagena in 1951, is known above all in this aspect, because of his saga of . But, what molded the tough personality this author takes pride on today, was his work as a journalist, his profile of adventurous young man.

lambs and fighters Arturo Pérez-ReverteCaptain Alatriste

“” he tells us; and that awoke his imagination. At 20, his rucksack on his shoulder, he decided to visit places and know the characters in the books. “At that age I was young and cruel, the world was my scenario”, perhaps that’s why he chose territories at war. Because of that, also, he became a reporter, because he felt like a hunter, an image hunter. “”.

Everything started at a libraryWhen one goes to war with a return ticket in one’s pocket, the war looks like a fascinating world

His duty at Human Factor was to teach a lesson to the 800 young people who listened to him, but in this case, far from Ana María Matute’s warmth, his message was rather more cynical. “”. Perhaps Reverte also read in his youth some book by Hobbes and learnt that “”, or perhaps, and more likely, the war taught him the dark side of men.

I’ve got a bad opinion on the human being, the human being’s drive is evil, the human being is a son of a bitch, although later culture and society may turn him even goodman is a wolf to men

Pérez-Reverte, may be in Spain today, but with his heart still at any of the wars, speaks of distrust, of dignity, of esteem (but not of love), of battles and victories. He spoke to us about the Ulysses of the world, “about those heroes that survive, when Achilles turns into Ulysses, then only one hard-hearted hero can remain”. Is he perhaps a hero in his own way? “”, he is asked, “”.

What’s the use of fighting, Arturo?To feel worthy, not to feel defeated

Sara Domínguez Martín

Translated by

Diana Irene Arancibia