Heroes of heat
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Despite financial crisis the sun is still shining and the temperature is rising high. There’s no doubt about doing something to survive – as soon as possible. To avoid the swelter here are some ideas how to find a purse-friendly, cool, memorable and last but not least enjoyable solution. What are the opportunities in Hungary in 2009?
Cooler block
A fall in temperature is guaranteed in a few minutes and, apparently this is the one of the cheapest solutions. We can sit with the block on the terrace easily. Beside this we can listen to the radio, read a book or just lie in the sun. Bora Bora? Big deal.
Mecca of urban kids and homeless people. Someone has to step inside only, spatter a bit and the temperature is alright. Attention! It can be a source of hygienic danger! It is prohibited in some places as well.
Another Hungarian feature beside the unikum and pálinka is the institute of beach. Almost every township with more than 30 inhabitants has its own natural or artificial beach, where people can have a swim, eat lángos (scone), fish, ice cream, play ball, lie in the grass or just watching others’ fight with the heat. The entrance fee depends on township; generally the prizes are between 800 and 2000 Ft. Suncream is a must!
Parks and squares
Margaret Island, Millenáris, City park (Városliget), Kopaszi gát and many more. Sunshine is guaranteed, someone can have a rest in the grass or on a bench, catch flies freely or fan him/herself at a shade-tree. Be aware of ants!
Festivals, concerts
There is no end of programs, we just have to choose one (or more): Volt, Sziget, Open-Air Festival in Szeged, etc. Of course these are the most exciting, most expensive and riskiest opportunities. The cheapest tickets are about 6000 Ft and the sky is the limit. In generally a one-day-ticket costs 10.000 Ft; because of the heat and enthusiasm there is a 3000-5000 Ft plus moreover there can be travelling expenses and accommodation fee as well. If we think about it for this money the crazy crowd can savage the person who is only thirst for some coolness. In return for this, we can listen to Moby, Prodigy, Veronika Harcsa and many more live. The open-air theater is a memorable experience for the audience and beside the fantastic play of the actors, the city with lots of nice restaurants and its own beauty and mood will amaze the guests definitely. It’s not cheap of course.
If we start to collect our programs for this summer in time, make a plan about our destinations, we can go off cheaply. We have to buy our tickets in advance or as a present of an event. The number of youth hostels is huge what are always open for people who are thirst for some relax or entertainment. And there is always a good friend who gladly shares his/her summer house with you – and the party begins already.