Girl power at Paris's Gay Pride festival
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Lara BullensOn the 24 June 2017, the Gay Pride festival in Paris celebrated its 40-year anniversary. The city's LGBTQ community hit the streets with a bang. Here is our colourful photoreportage.
It's 2 o'clock at the Place de la Concorde in Paris. Faces decorated with rainbows, hair boasting bright colours and glitter clothing fill the streets. This year, women are in the spotlight. "Artifical insemination without restrictions, it's right now." This is the slogan that the participants have chosen. For Virginie, a spokesperson of the SOS homophobia organisation, gay women are still not visible enough. This last Saturday, they are sparkling in the country's capital.
In France, artificial insemination is a right that only sterile heterosexual couples have. The objective of this festival is to allow for gay couples and single women to have the same rights.
Translated from Paris : Girl Power à la Gay Pride