German elections: From France with love
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Lara BullensAt the end of the month, Germans will decide whether they want to continue their story with Angela Merkel or have a fresh wind blow new life into their politics. For the occasion, some of their French neighbours gave their two cents on the upcoming elections. Here is what Coco from Charlie Hebdo, Aurélien from Pulse of Europe, Lise from Paris-Berlin and Oscar, a young writer, had to say.
The French illustrator, Corrine Rey (AKA Coco), works for Charlie Hebdo. Above anything else, she wishes Germany a good sense of humour.
Aurélien Condomines is the co-founder of the Pulse of Europe movement in France. This lawyer hopes that Germany will take its future into consideration.
Lise Jolly is the editor-in-chief at ParisBerlin and a journalist at France Info. She hopes that Germany becomes less egocentric and more enthusiastic for a new European project.
The French author Oscar Coop-Phane doesn't only talk about Berlin in his books, but he also lived there for some time. He hopes that the country's capital will remember its roots and live up to his memories.
These videos were made for the Dear Germany campaign and sponsored by the Goethe-Institut.
Translated from Élections en Allemagne : les mots bleus