General meeting coming soon!
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Every year hosts a general meeting with the most active members all around Europe who have created a local team... This year we decided to open this meeting to all babelians and put in place an application system... We want to thank you for your enthousiasm because we receive a lot of requests to participate!
Thank you also to all those who applied but we could not host more than 30 people... But everyone of you is sooo precious to build a strong, transnational community all around Europe! That is why we propose you to comment the following Agenda of the meeting... we'll keep and represent your thoughts and come back to you with a report of the meeting! Ad maiora, babelians!
Friday 15th June
10:00 – 13:00 Plenary session: Nicola, BI President chairing
10:00 – 10:30 Presentation of every babelian attendingWe want to now everything of you in 1 minute :-) : 'What I do in my life, what I did in, my spoken languages, why I'm here'
10:30 – 10:50 Introduction: how is changing The project of new website and future steps. Community + magazine = the eurogeneration media. The vertebral column: tags and multilingual navigation. Presentation by Adriano, Executive Manager
10:50 – 13:00 What does 'community' now mean? Getting to know your tools... The concept: from the 'network' to the 'community'. The tools: presentation and their aim. How to create/moderate: profile/ babelblogs/ forum / chat / petitions / surveys The organisation: what can be your role as local team or simple Babelian and the organisational structure. Possible partners: European NGOs from Council of Europe (special guest: Silvia Geise from CoE) Presentation and discussion animated by Vanessa, Community Animator
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 16:30 Workshops: Vanessa chairing Putting your tools in action! by Vanessa - Every group chooses a rapporteur 1.Local team blogs What for? Events, practical info, features, your activities? 2.Forums and chats ...or how to build the real-time transnational debate? 3.Petitions and surveys how to build a transnational public opinion? Which kind of campaigns? Have we to limit this by fixing criteria? __16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 – 19:00 Plenary session__ Presentation of workshop results. Roundtable: how do I see my role in community animation. Eleonora will present the example of digiTO, a local e-community in Torino, Italy End of the session. Transfer to restaurant Le coin de Malte for a singing dinner. Bring your guitar!
Saturday 16th June
9:30 – 13:00 Plenary session: Nicola, BI President chairing
General Assembly: the legal meetingOnly persons who belong or have applied to become Babel International branches can attend. If you are to create a Babel International branch and want to attend as observer, request inscription by emailing and
13:00 – 14:00 Transfer
__14:00 – 15:00 plenary session, Alexandre, Communication Director chairing-
Communicating about 2.0__ What is buzz communication? Best practices and benchmarking. What is the communication planning for the community? Presentation of readership survey. by Alexandre
15:00 – 17:00 workshops
Brainstorming buzz strategy : web mapping to spread the word - with Alex & Monika buzz campaign: finding creative concepts - with Adri local teams in the community : how to communicate? Which partners? Which opinion leaders to babelize? - with Vanessa
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee break
17:15 – 19:00 plenary session, chairing: Alex Results of workshops and roundtable on everyone's role 19:00 – 19:15 Best profile contest: results by Vanessa
19:15 End of the session Free evening but partying together for those who want around 10pm!
*What you can do before coming...
1. Test the community! please go on with Firefox navigator instead of Internet Explorer
create your profile with photo and your babelreplies (and compose your babelmix). Then send an email to Vanessa before Monday 11th June to participate to the contest of the best profile among people attending! post comments on babelblogs... if local team, scan local blogs for workshop 1
2. Gather ideas! Get informed about communities and interactive tools in your country! Very important for Saturday's web mapping workshop. Our aim: to spread the community word all over the Web!