Film competition: Climate "Some like it hot"?
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Charlotte HenryFor the second time, cafébabel is working in partnership with the European Voluntary Service (EVS) film festival. Tying in to the COP21 climate talks, the theme of this year's film competition is the environment. Send in your videos before November 9th 2015!
Running for its third consecutive year, the EVS movie festival returns! This video contest is about young people's citizenship, and is launched by the French Youth and Sport Erasmus+ Agency. This year, the agency has chosen a topical subject which ties in to the #COP21 climate talks and the fact that 2015 is the "european year of development", which aims to address environmental and climatic concerns and sustainable development. Cafébabel is supporting the project for the second time!
During the first two years of the EVS movie festival, almost 150 videos have been produced by young people from across Europe, as evidence of their civic involvement.
How to take part ?
The 2015 edition is open to everyone aged 35 years and under, living in Europe. You have just to post a video lasting less than 3 minutes which expresses your viewpoint regarding environmental issues.
Are you ready ?
Upload your video to Wetransfer and then copy the link on the entry form.
Don't wait too long! The submissions deadline has been set for November 9th 2015.
All other information (terms and conditions of participation, payment, list of prizes...) are specified in the contest rules.
Four prizes will be awarded by the jury, with a special prize reserved for a video sent in by a young person that is currently a member of the EVS.
By taking part in this event, you are making the most of the opportunity of contributing to the COP21 debates about climate change and environment issues, which will be centre stage in Paris at the end of 2015.
In quest of inspiration ?
See below for a video presentation about the contest realized by Entre2prises and the young non-professional film-makers of Montreuil, (a suburb of Paris).
That event is organized with the support of the Sports, Youth and City Ministry, the city of Montreuil, Entre2prises, Urban Prod, Py Production and Les Petits Débrouillards PACA.
Translated from Concours vidéo "Le climat, certains l'aiment chaud ?"