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Few words for OurSpace from Czech Republic

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Elina Makri


Natálie Mochelová

OurSpace enables people to experience a feeling of direct decision-making in the issues they are interested in. It gives them a chance to bring politicians on both national and European level face to face with their opinions.

OurSpace is a web platform that allows people and youth organizations in the European Union to debate and propose changes in those fields that are important to them. OurSpace creates on-line space for a mutual cooperation among people and organizations.

During this year, two important events have taken place under the lead of the OurSpace platform. Firstly, a famous Czech Journalist Jindřich Šídlo was a guest of the Parliamentary Exchange of the National Children's and Youth's Parliament in the Czech Republic (NPDM). Mr Šídlo publishes at the on-line daily news, works for the Hospodarske noviny daily (The Economic Newspaper) and used to work for the Respekt magazine − a Czech well-known weekly − for nine years. He joined our discussion about democracy at school. Young OurSpace participants who want to keep up with latest political issues and democracy development are very interested in the discussed topic. The second very important event was an establishment of a cooperation with the Masaryk Debates project. One of the ongoing OurSpace discussions deals with a motion "Children's homes should be closed down". This was also a motion of the Masaryk debate organized at the end of March in Brno, CZ. OurSpace participants had a great opportunity to discuss the topic live with experts.

The OurSpace platform provides you with other interesting topics, too. You can join the discussion and express yourself. There are plenty of topics, such as Church's Restitutions in the Czech Republic, Start at School at the Age of Nine and Get Grades first in Secondary School, Sedentary Lifestyle, Learning Foreign Languages in Secondary School, Democracy on the Street, Democracy at Home, etc. You can also vote for the best proposals in already closed debates. In the Czech version, there are now four of them: The Future of Young People − Their Life Chances, Education and Unemployment, Presidential Amnesty in the Czech Republic, Direct Democracy and Presidential Elections, and How much is Education worth. If you are interested in closed topics do not hesitate and start reading: Right to Vote at the Age of 16, Secondary School Issues, Education Fees, The Comeback of Communism and many others.

Join us and share your fields of interests and debate proposals with us! Visit our webpage You can easily register with your FB account or make your separate OurSpace account. It is up to you. Also you can visit our page on Facebook

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