Festival contest: Two 10-day passes for the BSF to win!
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Cafebabel BruxellesAfter Dour, cafébabel Brussels sends you for FREE to the Brussels Summer Festival! This time you can win not only one, but two passes! You just need to participate to the contest that will rock the capital!
Notice to live music fans:
For 2 years, CaféBabel Brussels has changed into festival mode during the summer. But this year is special: you have the opportunity to win two 10-day passes to go to the Brussels Summer Festival! (normal costs: 70€ each/only one pass per contestant)
If you're the lucky winner of the contest, cafébabel will send you, free of charge the the BSF, which will animate Brussels from August 5th to August 14th. Louise Attaque, Flavien Berger, St Germain, and many other will be there! More information on the program here.
Yeah great! But how do I enter?
Theme: cafébabel Brussels and the BSF have one obvious common point: Brussels. This is why the theme will be the belgian capital. Here are some examples: which neighbourhood is your favorite? Which place did you like the most when coming to Brussels for the first time? Which concert venue is your favorite?
Format: send us a picture OR a video (30 seconds at max) OR a gif.
The more original, fun and European, the more chance you have to win!
How to proceed
1. Send us an email at [email protected] with your picture, video or gif before July 23rd at midnight;
2. On July 25th we will publish your participation on our Facebook page. Then it's up to you to promote as much as you can your participation and get as much likes as possible!
3. August 2nd: end of the votes.
4. August 3rd: we will contact and anounce the 2 winners!
Here you go, now it's your turn to act!
Good luck!
Translated from A gagner : 2 passes 10 jours pour le BSF