Few days ago, the guy from the Forum for European Journalism Students started a really interesting initiative for spreading useful informations about grants, scholarships and different oppurtunities for helping young people in their educational process.
In November 2008, FEJS-Macedonia launched the international web portal
www.mladiinfo.com, Mladi Info is new web page aiming in one place to
group all studying possibilities, scholarships, grants, trainings and
conferences, various calls, working and internship opportunities. The
idea is to help young people to accomplish their goals as well as to
complete their education. That would be a unique and useful media
consisted of useful advices, tips and hints. Moreover different news,
focused on youth and the educational process will found their place on http://www.mladiino.com. http://www.mladiinfo.com goal is to help and assist young people all around the World, which is why the language of the portal is English.
Please feel free to send us the information about your activities,
campaigns, events, projects etc. we would be happy to publish it. Finally, we would be grateful if you share the information about http://www.mladiinfo.com. to your friends, colleagues, associates.