Exploring Europe's taste in porn
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Emily SpencerPorn video streaming platform Pornhub has published its annual report of visitor statistics, laying bare the sexual fantasies of internet users across Europe. Here are the hard facts.
In its annual report, Pornhub has produced a detailed analysis of its traffic and content viewed by its users. It is clear that the global, porn video sharing platform provides videos that satisfy Europeans' sexual fantasies. In 2016, the site recorded 23 billion visitors, with almost 92 billion video views (compared with 87.8 billion in 2015), which equates to 64 million visitors a day around the world. It has been a very busy year for the platform servers, which must stream 99 GB of data per second in order to meet the demands of its users.
European internet users enjoy watching a range of porn. Videos from the 'anal', 'mature', 'milf', 'lesbians' and 'adolescents (18+)' categories are the most viewed on the continent. and are likely to remain classics.
Amateurs, milfs and giantesses
Pornhub's search terms reveal a bit more about Europeans' sexual predilections. A trend that is particularly widespread on the continent is the preference of users to watch 'local' porn. The statistics have shown that on Pornhub, users like to search for videos in which they can understand the language. Oddly enough, this trend is seen across almost all of the countries studied, as though understanding what is being said in porn videos is of prime importance.
Apart from language-specific videos, the three most popular searches in each country show that users of different nationalities vary in what they enjoy, from the most popular on the continent to the most obscure. Mothers are particularly popular on Pornhub, with common searches including: "Mama", "MILF", or "mother-in-law". Italians tend to search for 'footjob' videos, while Portuguese like to watch videos involving 'Brazilians' - maybe, again, because of the Portuguese connection.
As for Malta, size is important - 'giantesses' proving one of the more popular searches.
What do women want?
More disconcerting is the fact that current affairs sometimes influences what Pornhub users search for on the site. Visitors often look for videos that features politicians and celebrities: searches for keywords "Boris Johnson" and "Theresa May" increased by 14,624% and 3423% respectively in the day before the Brexit referendum. In Italy, secretary of state Maria Elena Boschi, former prime minister Matteo Renzi and Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi, earned their moment of glory on the day of the constitutional referendum.
Worldwide, women represent 26% of the platform's visitors; a 2% increase from 2015. In Europe, they range from 20% of users in Germany to 35% of in Serbia. Their areas of interest focus above all on the relationships between women. Key words "lesbians", "lesbian scissoring" or "threesomes" are the most common search terms.
Source: Pornhub.
Translated from Sites porno : les fantasmes des Européens