European encounters AJPE: Sakharov Prize 2009
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On the occasion of the 2009 Sakharov Prize Award Ceremony on Wednesday 16 December, the Association of European Paliamentary Journalists (AJPE) is organising a European Encounter bringing together Representatives of the Russian prize-winning association, MEMORIAL, and Members of the European Parliament, at 18h30 in the Aubette Building (1st floor) on the Place Kleber in Strasbourg.
Issues to be debated include the effectiveness of the Sakharov (and other) Prizes in promoting peace and democratic values; human rights and democracy in the Russian Federation 20 years after the death of Andrei Sakharov; and the role of the EU in promoting fundamental freedoms worldwide.
Participants at this European Encounter which is open to the public (interpretation into French, English and Russian) and enjoys support from the City of Strasbourg and the European Parliament will include:
MEMORIAL Representatives : Oleg ORLOV, Chair of the Human Rights Centre Memorial, Sergeï KOVALEV, Chair of the Board of the Andrei Sakharov Foundation, Lyudmila ALEXEEVA, Head of the Moscow Helsinki GroupMEPs : Heidi HAUTALA, Chair of the Sub-committee on Human Rights, Ana GOMES, member of the Sub-committee on Human Rights, Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Edward McMILLAN-SCOTT, Vice-President of the European Parliament and member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
The discussions will be chaired by AJPE President and Portuguese Radio and Television (RTP)European correspondent, Fernanda GABRIEL, and Radio Radicale European Correspondent, David CARRETTA.