European elections 2014: to Barbecue or cast the ballot?
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Just roughly four weeks until the European electons and Cafébabel Berlin actively engaged. What or who are we actually electing? Why should it matter to us? How much "Europe" does Berlin actually need? Those who'd like to know why they shouldn't forget to go to the polls on May 25, 2014 - in light of the approaching summer spirit - should read on.
Already have something planned for Sunday, May 25th, 2014? While there are those who are eager to spend a lazy day in the park with their beer and wurst, or those who are excited to take their first dips in the many lakes around Berlin, others will be sleeping off their drunkenness from the night before. Nevertheless, there are some good reasons why the temptations of barbecues and beds should be resisted for at least ten minutes on May 25: just enough time to check some boxes on the ballot for the European Elections 2014.
Europe, huh? Why the election counts
For the eighth time in the history of the European Union, citizens are able to directly vote for the European Parliament, which is located in Brussels and Strasbourg; but they couldn't be more disinterested. In light of the elections, the population's voter's fatigue is being bemoaned on all channels and across all party lines. Why doesn't anyone know even one of the top running candidates? Why does Brussels still feel so far away? What's going on with the dreaded "advancement of right-wing parties in Europe?" And why does everyone still think of Berlusconi's inane SS-Mann comparison when they hear the name Martin Schulz, a comparison which should have long been old news?
Because Cafébabel Berlin believes that checking boxes isn't too much effort for the sake of Europe's future, we will be reporting until May 25th on everything relevant to the European Elections 2014. How does a European election work and who are we actually electing? What do Jean-Claude Juncker, Martin Schulz and the other candidates stand for? What significance does the Wahl-O-Mat tell me? What are the parties' stances on environmental protection and equal rights? You'll be able to read that and more in the magazine. If you can't wait, check out the website of The Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) for more information. And don't forget that slight interuption of laziness to cast your vote on May 25th.
European elections 2014 at Cafébabel Berlin
Because Europe has not only a hip, exciting and young side, but also needs political institutions, May 25, 2014 remains a fixed date in our calendars. When, what, where and why are we voting? More information about election day, the parties and the political structure of the EU in general can be acquired through the magazine, and as always through Facebook and Twitter.
Translated from Europawahlen 2014: Grillen oder Kreuzchen machen?