Europe on the ground - Saturday 14th, 7pm, Opetajate Maja, Vene 5
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After the impressive amount of emails received and a great work from the whole team, we have the pleasure to announce that Europe on the Ground will officially take place in Talinn from the 12th to the 15th of July.
Adriano farano, Katharina Kloss, Ruth Bender, Chris Yeomans and Natalia
Sosin will arrive in
Tallinn in couple of days for starting their work on the topics you suggested
For four days they will be investigating on Tallinn2011 capital of culture, the E-Stonia phenomenon, the positive aspects and social costs of the market economy and, as the majority of you asked, the Russians/Estonians integration.
Would you like to participate? Do you think you have something to say?
It’s never too late to join us!
Saturday 14th, at 7pm, in the rooms of Opetajate Maja (Vene 5, right in the heart of Old Town) they will expose and discuss their impressions and feelings during a public debate together with the whole Tallinn team and all the public.
Don’t miss the chance to make Europe talk about Estonia!
Join and come to the debate!
For further information and confirmations, please,
feel free to contact [email protected]
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.