Europe on the ground - one week later *video*
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Cafebabel.com launched the idea and Tallinn answered in the best way.
Although someone might have expected more people at the EOTG debate, we must say that the project has been successful: during an unusual sunny Saturday afternoon, we managed to involve in our activities some people who freely choose to spend a weekend in our company discussing Estonia, its problems and its peculiarities with our international guests.Our guests have been working hard on their topics gathering interviews with key-speakers and people in the streets and are now working on some articles that you will find on cafebabel.com in some weeks: on behalf of the Tallinn group I sincerely want to thank all of the people who went in Opetajate Maja as all the people who managed to find some time for helping us in our work. This is only the first step of a long process we have in mind for trying to stimulate a debate and active participation of people in Estonian public life: we will soon start with a videocontest on social issue, followed by a monthly round of debates, classes in high schools, photocontests and an amazing European game. Without forgetting that, being cafebabel.com a magazine, we will continue reporting and investigating Estonia as the whole Europe for trying to bring this incredible tool EU is closer to people. So, try keep on visiting our pages for finding all the information you need and, as usual, feel free to write us at [email protected] for joining us, discussing our project and proposing the ideas you have in mind!And now, just try to have a look to this short video to discover the EOTG backstage!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.