Europa Reloaded Ep.7: Social Movements according to David Adler (Progressive International)
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Faith WilliamsHow are social movements born? What explains their success or failure? What are the prospects for progressive forces in Europe and the USA? And why is there a need for a new internationalist movement in Europe right now? In episode 7 of Europa Reloaded, we interview David Adler, general Coordinator of Progressive International, a transnational social movement born in May 2020.
Before becoming an activist David Adler was a researcher in economic policy. His academic works focus on the politics of Internationalism. What does that mean?
Adler studies how trade unions, social movements and political parties coordinate across borders and how international institutions can strengthen or weaken these ties.
Adler grew up in Los Angeles, California, but moved to Europe in 2014. Before getting involved with Progressive International, David worked as a policy making coordinator for DIEM25.
DIEM25 is an acronym for Democracy in Europe 2025. DIEM25 was born between 2015 and 2016 as a response to the debt crisis in Greece, and was a candidate in the 2019 European elections. The most well-known face of DIEM25 is the former Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis.
In his role at DIEM25, David oversaw the collaboration between members and the organisation in order to draft the collective programme for the 2019 European Elections. Furthermore, David also organised the campaign for the 'Green New Deal for Europe', a plan for the transition towards a green economy developed by DIEM25 as an alternative to the European Commission's official one.
DIEM25 is also one of the main promoters of Progressive International, along with the American Sanders Institute. Adler has also worked as a foreign policy consultant for Bernie Sanders.
Europa Reloaded is supported by a grant from the European Cultural Foundation. Its media partners are: Cafébabel and fanpage.it.
Translated from Europa Reloaded (Ep7): «Conflitto, visione e potere». I movimenti sociali secondo David Adler (Progressive International)