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Story by

Helga Nukk

A glance at Estonia

The importantest events of the history of Estonia in the light of European events. The sources of information used: "Cronaca del XX secolo" (" Chronicle of XX century") – Mondolibri S.p.a. 1999 (copyright Chronik Verlag 1999 "Die Neue Chronik des 20.

Jahrbunderts"); "Eesti ajalugu" (History of Estonia) – Andres Adamson, Sulev Valdmaa – Koolibri 2001; Konstantinov Sergej "The variant of force was not solely possible. "Occupation" of Baltic states as a product of politcal mythology" ("Силовой вариант не был единственным. "Оккупация" Прибалтики 1940 года как продукт политического мифотворчества”-; works of an Estonian Rusianspeaking historian and writer Mihhail Petrov; works of an Russian historian Aleksandr Diukov; testomonies of some old Estonians.

The dates are indicated in the European sistem: day / month / year.

1030 – duke Jaroslav Sage conquered one small Estonian country town named Tartu and built the fortress named Jurjev.

1219 – King of Denmark Valdemar II conquered Tallinn and Northern Estonia, another part of territory of Estonia is conquered by the German Order.

1343 - 1345 – a rivolt of the Estonian people against the Dane and German conquerors, called in Estonia "the Night of Jüri".

1561 – Sveden conquered Tallinn and Northern Estonia, a part of Estonia was conquered by Poland, another part by Russia, Saaremaa Island was conquered by Denmark.

1583 –South Estonia was conquered by Poland and North Estonia by Sweden.

1629 – almost all territory of Estonia is conquered by Sweden. Some today’s Estonian historians and politicians have announced that period was a "good old Svedish time", but the Estonian national mythology "Kalevipoeg" describes that period of Sweden occupation exactly as "7 graves".

1632 – the first univesity was open in Tartu.

1671 – the sistem of serfdone was introduced by general-governor Klas Totti.

1704 – Russia conquered Northern Estonia.

1721 – Russia bought Estonia from Sweden, so Estonia became a part of the Russian Empire. German remained the privileged language in Estonia, Estonian was very little used.

1809 – Russia won a war against Sweden and Finland became a part of the Russian Empire (Finland was a part of the Kingdom of Sweden before).

1812 – Russia won the war against Napoleon.

1816 – the end of the serfdone in Estonia.

1838 – the Society of the Studious was created in Estonia (Õpetatud Eesti selts), the members of this Society began studing the Estonian language and the history of the Estonian people.

1857 – 1861 - Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzvald (Vindri Roin Ristmets) published "Kalevipoeg" – the Estonian national mythology based on people’s arts.

1860 – 1870 – the period of the national awakening in Estonia: journals in Estonian appered, sing, dance and theatre societies founded, the agricultural society founded.

1869 – the first Songs’ Holiday in Estonia.

1905-1907 – the first Socialist revolution in Russia and Estonia.

9/01/1905 – in Sankt-Peterburg zar Nikolaj II odered to kill the participants of a peaceful manifestation, the manifestators asked for 8-hours work-day, for more rights at place of work, for a new sistem of the taxes and for the grounds to peasants.

12/01/1905 – beggining of the demonstrations and stakes in Estonia.

7/05/1905 – Norway became indipendent of Sveden after a people’s referendum.

1910 – the South African Union founded and the regim of aparthaid installed. From 1990 the same regime (with some local variations) was installed in Estonia, the today’s victims are Russian and Russianspeking inhabitants of Estonia (including the persons with a real Estonian blood).

1914 – beggining of the First World war.

7/11/1917 (25 October in old sistem) – the second socialist revolution in Russia and Estonia, in result Estonia became an autonomous Governorate of the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic), for the first time in the history the national Estonian army was created, for the first time in the history an Estonian man (an Russianspeaking Estonian) became the governor – Ivan (Jaan) Poska became the Commissar of Governorate. Russia was proclaimed the first Socialist Revolutionary State in the world.

1917, November – the Executive Soviet Commitee led by Jaan Anvelt (Estonian) came into power in Estonia, the Military-Revolutionary Commitee led by Viktor Kingisepp (Estonian) and Ivan Rabstcinskij (Russian or Jewish) was created too. The land, banks and enterprises were nationalized, the free expression was limited, but the parties of opposition continued their work. The "red terror" didn’t exist in Estonia.

15/11/1917 – the "Maapäev Union" procalimed itself a only suprem authority in Estonia, but the Estonian Bolsheviks repressed it, the leader Jaan Tõnisson (Estonian) was sent out of Estonia.

1917, November (Dicember?) – there was the election into the Constitutive Assembly in Russia (the RSFSR) and the Estonian citizens took part in it and voted for Bolsheviks mostly (at Tallin 47%, at Narva 67%, soldiers of the Army - 60% of votes). But in Russia the bolsheviks got only ¼ of the votes.

4/12/1917 – Finland proclaimed the independence of Russia.

9/02/1918 – the "peace of bread" of Brest-Litovsk. Ucraina was recognized independent of Russia and was obliged to send foodstuffs to Germany, Austria, Ungary and Bulgary.

23-24/02/1918 – the Maapäev Union published the "Manifest to all peoples of Estonia" (Manifest kõigile Eestimaa rahvastele) and proclaimed the democratic idependent Republic of Estonia. All people registered in the local inhabitants’ registers before 24/02/1918, independently of nationality and faith, received the right to citizenship of Estonia.

25/02/1918 – Germany occupied Estonia and other Baltic States and created the dukedom of Germany composed of Estonia, Lativa and Litva/Lithuania.

3/03/1918 – peace of Brest-Litovsk. Russia renounced the right to Estonia, Finland, Liflandia, Ucraina, Giorgia, losing 27% of its territory. Ucraina became independent.

16/07/1918 – the Russian Tsar was assassinated.

4/09/1918 – Finland became an independent state on the basis of the right of self-deternination.

1918, November – a revolution in Germany. New states appeared in Europe, the old ones were reformed – monarchies became republic.

11/11/1918 – the temporary Government came into power in Estonia.

28/11/1918 – the war for independence began in Estonia. The Estonian politicians were very sage: any great battle wasn’t done on the Estonian territory. The Labour Community led by Jaan Anvelt (Estonian) was created at Narva.

1919, April – the Socialists and workes were voted by overwhelming majority on the election into Constitutive Assembly in Estonia.

23/03/1919 – Benito Mussolini created the Fashist party in Italy. The party asked for the 8-hours work-day, intoducation of the minimum salaries, equality of men and women, tax-sistem reform. The war was seen as solving of conflicts.

28/06/1919 – the peace treaty of Versaille - the official end of the Second World War.

2/02/1920 – the peace treaty of Tartu between Estonia and Russia/RSFSR (more exactly, Russia was represented by a temporary Government of Bolsheviks who were at war against anti-Communist and legal Russian Government, having aim to intoduce the Communist regime in Russia). This treaty was very advantegeous for Estonia: the Bolsheviks renounced a right to Estonia forever and recognized its independence, Estonia was recognized free of all engagements and debts, Estonia received from Russia 11,6 tons of gold – 15 millions of gold roubles. With this treaty for the first time in the history the borders of Estonia and its territory were defined. Estonia got even some Russian territories (in 1945 a part of this territories were given back to Russia). This treaty is also called the Certificate of birth of Estonia.

After the signing of this peace treaty Estonia helped to the Russian Bolsheviks to exterminate the "white" Army of general Judenits - a Russian Army that fought against the Bolsheviks (some historians think that Estonia was paid – see above – for doing it, and that the treaty had secret protocols). The special lagers were created. Thus, Estonia helped the Bolsheviks’ power strengthening and the development of Communism in Russia. Refugees from Russia were not treated well too in Estonia.

1920 – 1930 - The Estonian Goverment had a policy of "estonization" of the population, persons were given new Estonian-sounding named by force, a lot of citizens took new names having fear of persecution. On the Russian territories the policy of national-linguistic terror and persecution were realized. The State had the policy of national hatred between Estonian and Russian inhabitants of Estonia. All positive examples of intercultural dialogue were hidden.

14/10/1920 – the peace treaty between the RSFSR and Finland, the RSFSR (Bolsheviks) recognized the independence of Finland.

17/11/1920 – the end of the civil war in the RSFSR, the Bolsheviks won definitively.

16/04/1922 – the Rapallo treaty, the RSFSR was recognized on the international juridical level.

28/10/1922 – the Fascist’s march to Rome, the Fascists conquered power in Italy.

30/12/1922 – the USSR was created (Union of the Soviet Socialistic Republics), its founders and inventors ware: RSFSR (Russia), Ukrainian Soviet Republic, Belorussian Soviet Republic, Caucasian Soviet Republics (including Georgia, Armenia, Azebaidzan); ½ of its inhabitants were not Russian by nationality.

8/11/1923 – the Nazis march to Berlin failed, the National-socialist party of Hitler was prohibited.

1924 – Socialists/Communists tried to seize power in Estonia.

1925 – Fascism ideology and regimes spread in Europe. The common elements of ideology were: extreme nationalism, hard persecution of opposition, misures against Parliament, against liberty and Socialists, elimination of the contrasts among the social classes by diverting the aggression to the minorities (religious, political, ethnical). The supporters were all persons who felt themselves threaten by workers’ movements and a possible revolution in the "Russian" style.

30/01/1925 – Mussolini formed dictatorship and totalitar regime in Italy, all associations and parties were closed.

27/02/1925 – Hitler reopened his nazional-socialist party in Germany.

9/11/1925 – the SS brigades were created as a special force for protection of Hitler.

1926 – President of Litva/Lithuania Antanas Smetona installed the dictatorship.

1927 – Stalin exterminated his political rivals and opposition and took power in the USSR.

11/02/1929 – the independent State of Vatican was created.

1930 and later – the presidents of Estonia, Latvia and Litva collaborated with the USSR and was paid for this collaboration. An Estonian historican Magnus Ilmjärv have recently found some documents which attest the collaboration and the activity as Soviet agents of these three presidents. Some documents attest that these presidents became the dictators with the help of the USSR.

1932 – the treaty of non-agression of the USSR – France – Poland – Finland – Latvia – Estonia.

1933 – the nazional-socialist party became the sole legal party in Germany, Hitler became a dictator and made a concordat with Vatican.

The dictatorial regimes appear in almost all European countries.

The treaty of non-aggression between the USSR and Italia.

4/04/1934 – the terms of the treaty of non-aggression between the USSR and the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Litva/Lithuania) ware prolonged for 10 years. The USSR confirmed the absence of the pretences on the questions of previous treaties.

1934 – Konstantin Päts became the dictator in Estonia and formed the Fascist-style regime of Tiranny, repression, and persecution against opponents or simply unpleasent persons, the poor and the unimployed were sent into lagers. This period of dictatorship is called the "taciturn period". There wasn’t any politics aimed to eliminate the contrasts among social classes or against poverty.

1934 – the treaty of non-aggression of Germany and Poland, the treaty of Balcans and other treaties around the world are signed.

12/09/1934 – the treaty of collaboration among the Baltic States.

1935 - all parties were prohibited in Estonia, except "Isamaaliit" (The Union of the fatherland).

18/06/1935 – a revision of the Versailles treaty, the Great Britain permitted to Germany to create a military fleet.

1936 – 1939 – the civil war in Spain, finished with the victory of Fascists.

1936 – the anti-Comintern treaty of Germany, Italy and Japan.

1937 – the war between Japan and Cina began.

12/03/1938 – Germany annexed Austria.

29/09/1938 – the Munchen treaty – Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Aduoard Deladier and Arthur Neville Chamberlain signed the treaty which sanctioned the end of Checoslovacchia and a new war.

15/03/1939 – Germany occupied Cecoslovacchia.

23/03/1939 – Germany annexed Memel with the permittion of Litva/Lithuania.

24/03/1939 – the treaty of help between France and Great Britain was signed.

31/03/1939 – Great Britain promiced to give help to Poland in case of Germany’s aggression.

7/04/1939 – Italy occupied Albania.

28/04/1939 – Germany annuled the treaty of non-aggression with Poland.

19/05/1939 – the secret military treaty of France and Poland.

22/05/1939 - the "steel" treaty of Italy and Germany.

7/06/1939 – the treaty of non aggression between Estonia and Germany.

23/08/1939 – the treaty of Molotv – Ribentropp (the USSR – Germany) of non-aggression. In the secret protocols Estonia, Finland and other Baltic States was defined as a zone of influence of the USSR in the case of "remaking" of Europe.

30/08/1939 – the mobilization in Poland.

1/09/1939 – beginning of the Second World War. Germany attacked Poland.

3/09/1939 – Great Britain and France announced the war to Germany.

17/09/1939 – the Soviet Army entered in Poland.

24/09/1939 – Estonia violated the neutrality in the war (the accident with the Polish submarine "Orzel") and, consequently, the USSR required to sign a new bilateral treaty of collaboration. Estonia recognized one’s fault and began the collaboration.

27/09/1939 – the Government of Poland in exile transferred to Paris.

28/09/1939 – the bilateral treaty of collaboration between Estonia and the USSR was signed. This treaty provided for the establishment of militar bases of the USSR (25.000 soldiers) in Estonia in exchange for payments. This treaty helped to Estonia to solv the grave economical problems which were derived from war and consequent cessation of contacts with other countries. The USSR didn’t attack Estonia and didn’t interfere into its internal affairs – Estonia continued to be an indpependent and sovereign state.

In the light of the Hitler’s theories, which indicate the small peoples like parasite rice that must be exterminated, Estonia was wery interested in receiving the USSR’s help.

The president-dictator Päts had all the possibilities to issue the act of capitulation or the act of surrender of the country, if there would some irregularity of the USSR. But these acts wasn’t issued.

It’s right to say that the motivation of the bases was the same that uses the USA and NATO today: the common security.

5/10/1939 – the bilateral treaty Latvia - the USSR.

10/10/1939 - the bilateral treaty Lithuania - the USSR.

18/10/1939 – the beginning of the creation of the USSR’s bases in Estonia, the first soldiers arrived in Estonia. The Estonian Government and Estonian people met very cordially the USSR’s Army, there was organized a special ceremony of greetings. Some Estonians shouted "Hurrah Stalin!" and other slogans of communist content. There were neither victims nor conflicts.

The USSR paid the rent and the medical and other services to Estonia. The soviet soldiers might not contact the Estonian communists.

Today some extremist-fanatics assert that it was the beggining of the occupation of Estonia.

1939, October – Hilter called the Estonian Germanians to repatriate from Estonia.

30/11/1939 – the USSR attacked Finland.

12/03/1940 – the peace treaty between the USSR and Finland was signed. Later, when Germany attacked the USSR, Finland took a part in the war as a Hitler’s ally.

1940, April - June – Danmark surrendered, France was occupied, the neutral countries Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg were attacked and occupied, Norway was capitulated.

10/06/1940 - Italia entered into the war.

14/06/1940 – the USSR accused Litva/Lithuania of activity against the USSR, of sabotage of the treaty of non-aggression and of secret negotiations with Germany (some todays historians say the Baltic States really collaborated with Abver), and presented an ultimatum asking for a permission to increase the quantity of soviet soldiers in Lithuania and ordering to create a new Government that could observ the previous treaty efficiently. President-dictator of Lithuania Antanas Smetona gave his agreement to observ the requests of the ultimatum but after he fled into exile and created a Government in exile. Litva/Lithuania was the sole Baltic State with a Government in exile.

16/06/1940 - the USSR accused Latvia and Estonia of activity against the USSR, of sabotage of the treaty of non-aggression and of secret negotiations with Germany, and presented the ultimatums. The ultimatums asked for permission to increase the quantity of soviet soldiers in Latvia and Estonia and ordered to create a new government that could observ the previous treaty efficiently. Presidents-dictators gave their agreement to observ the ultimatum, neither of them issued the acts of capitulation or surrender, neither of them fled or formed the Government in exile. The USSR was permitted to introduce the extra soldiers and the presidents collaborated with the USSR vivaciously and heartly.

17/06/1940 – the extra soviet soldiers were entered in Estonia (about 80.000). Even this time the Estonians met the soviet soldiers very cordially.

The Estonian general Johann Laidonner issued the order which permitted to soviet soldiers to control the means of communication, prohibited demonstrations and meetings. The simple citizens and militarized organizations were disarmed. President–dictator Päts composed a new Government, Johann Vares-Barbarus (Estonian) was assigned to lead this new Government.

This date is used by some extremists-fanatics like the date of "occupation" – these fanatics omit to precise that the President didn’t essue the act of the surrender (it was and it is a duty of a President in case of occupation) and collaborated actively with the USSR. The general Laidoner collaborated too.

18/06/1940 – French general Charle de Golle created the Commitee "For Free France". The fact that no one Estonian created such a Commitee in Estonia attests that the Estonians didn’t see any occupation or problem with their rights.

21/06/1940 –dictator Päts announced the names of members of new Government composed by himself. The Estonians (communist and all who didn’t like the dictatorial regime) organized the demonstrations of protest which trasformed into disorder. The Estonians required to stop the dictatorship and to form the Soviet Government by voting. To the Pikk Herman tower was put a red flag. The Estonians hoped in help of the Soviet Army, but the Soviet Army helped the Estonian dictator and his Government. The Soviet soldiers repressed the demonstrators and put back the Estonian flag to the tower.

This event is called sometimes "the third socialist revolution of Estonia".

It’s necessary to precise that the dictatorial regime was very injust and infamous, the people was very repressed, there were not any misures against poverty and the class contrasts.

21/06 – 21/07/ 1940 – dictator Päts and the head of the new Government Johann Vares issued 126 orders, 34 lows - decrees, 4 lows. The diplomatics, the public officers and the simple citizens collaborated with the new Government actively. The embassies continued their work normally.

1940, the beginning of June –dictator Päts and his Government dissolved Parliament and announced a new election. The Union of the Workers of Estonia (Eesti Töötava Rahva Liit) was voted at 92,9 % of votes, this party was created instead of party "Isamaaliit" – the sole party of regime. Voting was free and there was not any assasination or persecution in cases of omission or against voting. Someone says the results of voting were falsified – the precise answer will be given in the future, till today any serious historical work was not done.

21/06/1940 – at the first sitting of the new Parliament Estonia was proclaimed the Socialist Republic by a unanimous vote.

22/06/1940 – the declaration of the entry of Estonia into the USSR.

26/07/1940 – the "Times" of London specified that the unanimous decision to join to the USSR reflected not the Moscow pressure but the cincere comprehension of the only better alternative of Nazi Europa.

6/08/1940 – the USSR confirmed the entry of Estonia in the USSR. The Estonian Parliament was trasformed into the Suprem Council headed by Joannes Vares (Estonian); the Government became the Council of Commissars of the People – it was headed by Johannes Lauristin (Estonian). The Communist party was headed by Karl Säre (Estonian). All inhabitants received the citizenship without any discrimination.

It’s necessary to specify that all local authorities was composed of local Estonians and not Russians. Some Estonian Communists lie with the aim to evoid the responsibility of compiled crimes when assert than the authorities were composed of Russians or Russian communists.

The banks, the interprises, the land were nationalized, the poor received some land, there were happy and unhappy people.

The Estonian Army entered into the Soviet Army and became a part of the Soviet Army. This fact proves the absence of the situation of the occupation or annextion.

Dictator Päts and general Laidonner were sent to Russia, inicially they received a pension but after the Hitler attacked the USSR they were imprisonned. They dead in the USSR in prison.

Some member of previous dictatorial Government and its collaborators were repressed – people of Estonia thought that it was the real Justice and was happy about it (the crimes of dictatorship were very ferocious and infame). In the same manner if the today’s Estonian Government will be repressed, killed o sent in some lager, the most of inhabitants of Estonia will classify these actions as Justice in their hearts, seeng the crimes against the Estonian State and Estonian peoples.

12/08/1940 – Germany attacked Great Britain.

14/06/1941 – the first repression against the civil population in the Soviet Republic of Estonia and in the Republics of Latvia and Lithuania: deportation to Siberia.

This deportation was organized by local Estonian Government and local Estonian communist, and not by Russian communists – the Estonian and the Russian Governments collaborated in the crime. Nobody of the members of the Estonian Authorities protested, nobody had the idea to part with the USSR, therewith they extermianted their personal enemies and opponent and appropriated the personal proprety and real estate of their victims. A part of popolation hid in the forests.

22/06/1941 – Germany attacked the USSR.

7/07/1941 – September 1944 – the Nazi’s occupation of the Estonian Soviet Republic. A part of the population of Estonia hid in the forests and began fighting against Nazis. The former part of persons hidden in the forests - who was hidden during the first Communist repression – formed the groups called "the forestal brothers" and began to exterminate the Communists-Socialists and their families, sympathizer of Communist ideas, political opponents and the peaceful population. A part of them created the military organization "Self-defence" (Omakaitse) and very many of them joined the Vaffen SS brigades. Both Estonian organisations "Omakaitse" and "Kaitseliit" collaborated with Nazis voluntarily and having "a call of the heart", thanks to them Estonia was announced the first and only country in the world free from the Jewish. The battalion Erna was a part of Nazi’s Army guided by Abver and it was negatively famouse because it provoked a lot of innocent civil victims.

A part of the Estonians (who had the aesthetic requisites in according with the requirements of the Hitler’s ideology and a part of German blood) joined voluntarilly the Vaffen SS brigades and the Nazi Army and compiled the bloody crimes in Estonia and in the other countries, following the Hitler’s ideology.

A lot of the Estonians were obliged to join the German Army by force: the choice was to go into the German Army or to die. So, it’s neccesary to distinguish between volunteers-criminals and unvolutary victims.

A part of the Estonians was in the Soviet Army.

11/12/1941 – Hitler announced the war to the USA.

20/02/1942 – the Conference of Wannsee on question of extermination of the Jewish in Europe.

28/11/1943 – the Teheran treaty: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin devided Germany and Europe into spheres of influence.

1944, September – the Soviet Republic of Estonia was liberated from Nazis. The Estonian Nazis helped to retreat to German Nazis: they battled against the Soviet Army with aim to give time to the German Nazis to bring out their goods and personal properties. So, the great battles took place on the territory of Estonia, as result almost all the cities and towns were destroid and the invironment had great damages. Estonian Nazis sacrificed their country helping German Nazis.

Some today’s Estonian historians and politicians assert that a little time before the liberation of Estonia some hypothetical Estonian Government was created by Juri Oluots (an Estonian – ex-Prime Minister of dictatorial regime) and Otto Tief (the name is German – the man was taking part in Government of dictatorial regime) – both collaborators of the German Nazi Estonian Government in 1942-1944; and this hypothetical Government was created for "restore the independence of Estonia" (to part with the USSR?). The population of Estonia didn’t know anything about this "Government" and the "Government" had never asked to part with the USSR. This "Government" used the Nazi flag.

After the liberation of Estonia from the Nazis the previous Estonian Government was restored and headed by Johann Vares, Eduard Päll (Estonian) became a head from 1946. All importantest positions were always occupated by Estonians and not by Russians. From 1941 till 1989 no one Estonian Government asked for parting with the USSR.

1944-1953 – the Estonian Nazis hid in the forests trying to avoid the punishment for their crimes: extermination of the Jewish and Estonians. These "forestal brothers" formed several bandit brigades and robbed food, clothes and objects of primary neccesity from the civil population. Even the children were killed. Today’s Estonian Government and politicians call these bandit organisations "The movement af resistance" and "the fighters for liberty" glorifying with this the Nazi crimes and ideology, and the crimes commited against Estonian people.

A lot of the Estonian Nazis wasn’t punished after the war and Estonia wasn’t denazified enough (because Stalin was too human in this case) - that’s why today we can see the glorification of Nazism and Fascism at the State level in Estonia. Today’s Estonian Government name the Nazis and Hitler as "liberators of Estonia" and "fighters for Estonian’s independence". Some Estonian politicians have declared that Estonia was an ally of Hitler and the same propaganda is made in the schools.

7/05/1945 – Germany signed the act of capitulation, which took a power the next day – the 8 of May. Many today’s Estonian politicians say Estonia was an ally of Hitler and lost the war as Hitler did. But Estonia didn’t pay damages as Germany did, because the common public opinion was Estonia was a part of the USSR and the anti-Nazis ally. It will be right if the Estonian Government and politicians, that support Nazi ideas, will be obliged to pay damage to their victims and to ask for perdon, but the Estonian anti-Nazis must not be obligeds to do it.

1945 – the Postdam and Yalta treaties, division of the Europe among the war-winners.

25/03/1949 – the second deportations of the citizens from Estonia to Siberia, the victims were mostly the well-off paesans (kulaki) and the intellectual. The forests was cleaned from bandits too. The repression was organized by Estonian Government. The Governments had created the impression of legality and protection against the criminality, the bigger part of the population beleived that it was a right action and there was not innocent victims.

5/03/1953 – the death of Stalin, the mass repressions and persecutions stopped, the policy of Stalin was condamned.

12/02/1974 – a famous write Aleksandr Solzenitsin (dissident, author of the books "Archipelago Gulag", "One day of Ivan Denisovits") was sent out of the USSR.

1980-th years – the crisis in the development of the USSR. Almost all intellectual persons were presecuted and nobody was capable to elaborate a programm of development. The socialism was created and nobody new how to trasform it into communism.

1980 – forty Estonian personalities sent "a letter from Estonia" to all importand mass-media of the USSR, describing why the Estonians didn’t feel safely in the USSR and accentuating a fact that a part of the Estonians thought Russian became more important than Estonian. No one journal published the letter and the Authorities of the USSR didn’t answer and didn’t solv the questions.

1985 – Gorbaciov began the "perestroika" – "reconstruction". There was a revival of the national feelings in Estonia.

16/11/1988 – declaration of the independence of Estonia of the USSR. The Russian people living in the North-est of Estonia on the ancient Russian territory requested for the autonomy and independence of Estonia, but the Estonian Government repressed this people, meaning that the right to self-determination had only Estonian people and not the Russian people that live in Estonia.

23/08/1989 – the peoples of Estonia, Latvia e Lithuania formed a "living chain" 600 km long and composed of 2 million of persons.

3/03/1991 – referendum on a question of independence in Estonia. 77,8% of voted persons voted for independence (parting with the USSR). This referendum was the last democratic referendum in Estonia: after the USSR crashing a part of the citizens was illegally deprived of right to vote and the Russian-speaking part of the Estonian citizens wasn’t more sufficiently informed about referendums and other important social events.

20/08/1991 – the Socialist Estonian Government proclaimed the independence of the USSR.

24/08/1991 – Russia recognized the independence of the USSR.

6/09/1991 – the USSR recognized the independence of Estonia.

28/06/1992 – the referendum on a question of the new Constitution of Estonia, a part of the citizens may not vote. The new Constitution was made like Constitution of dictatorial regime of 1939, the independence of the state-forming powers wasn’t guaranteed. There wasn’t permitted any public control over the counting of the votes - that’s why a lot of people are sure that the results was falsified. In the voting took part only 66% of citizens having a right to vote – the people began to understand that the Government is not honest.

The today’s Estonian Constitution omit to indicate the existance of the Russian-speaking Estonians (the second state-forming people of Estonia) and to protect their rights and liberties. Before today the Russian-speaking Estonians are discriminated.

1992 – it was formed a new Government completely composed of ex-members of the Communist party and some foreigners (the foreignes in the Government show explicitly that Estonia was and is under the interference and pressure of other countries, one of these – the USA). Estonia has never become really free. The presence of the foreigners in the Government has influenced politics and choices and have caused a great damage to the country. The today’s president of Estonia is a foreigner, an American born in Sweden (Tomas Hindrek Ilves). No one country has a foreigner President, only Estonia. Ilves is assisted and helped by special educators because his level of personal culture is too low (see the site ).

In 1992 the State properties was denazionalized and the most of them were taken by politicians and their relatives and friends. Some citizens were not allowed to partecipate. The works and entreprises were closed and the brothel, the prostitutes’ houses, casino and discoteques were created instead of it. There were created the trafficking of the women and children, paedophily organisations and prostitution exploitation, trafficking of arms and drugs, criminality, mafia-type bandit brigades. The women is generally seen only as an object of prostitution without dignity. In the Soviet time these types of criminality didn’t exist and politicians and their foreign accompliced became very rich creating and developing it.

Only a few people try to protect the values of family and moral in Estonia.

The low is made in basis of the laws of 1939 and doesn’t protect the citizens against the modern crimes. Now the European Union helps to Estonian citizen, obliging the Estonian Government to renew the laws and accept the modern laws.

A substantial group of population, who was trasferred in Estonia in the soviet time and who was a real victim of socialism/communism, was deprived of right to citizenship, even if they live all life long in Estonia (paying the taxes to Estonia) or are born here. The Government calls these persons with a nick "Alien". For these people the communism continues till today.

The new post-Soviet regime is a regime of apartheid, segregation, discrimination, and marginalisation of the Russianspekings of Estonia.

It’s possible to say that European Union protects the Estonian citizens against the Estonian Government (against the crimes of the Estonian Government).

1994 – the wreck of the ship "Estonia". The Estonian Governments blocks the inqiries, the mass-media have told that there the nuclear wesapons were trafficked and some members of the Government orgnized it. No one politicians denies it.

31/08/1994 – the last parts of the Soviet Army left Estonia ("Soviet army" doesn’t mean "Russian army" but the international army af all the Republics of the ex USSR, including the Estonians).

1995 – a greate scandal with the President’s nieces: two girls organized several orgies in the Palace of the President. Big groups of teenagers drank alcohol bevarages, used the drugs and urinated to the flag of Estonia. This case shows the moral qualities of persons who have (seized) the power in Estonia.

It’s no possible to know whether there was a process or not, whether the teenagers were re-educated by social workers or the President payed the damage.

16/07/1997 – the European commision offered to Estonia and other 5 countries to began the talks about entry into the European Union.

2004 – Estonia entered into the European Union after an irregular undemocratic referendum: a part of population was prohibited from voting and a Russianspeaking part of population didn’t receive full and true information in Russian.

2007, April – the Government of Estonia used the force for repress a peaceful anti-Nazis manifestation of citizens. Citizens protested against removement of sole anti-Nazis Estonian monument in Tallinn. The Government began removing of monument before fixed date, without a public announce, without a referendum, some days before the 8-9 May - anti-Nazis days (with aim to obsruct the Estonian anti-Nazis manifestations nearby monument). The Government used big-size machines for opening the graves which was under the monument, and not the manual-mode, as result all the coffins and all the defuncts bones were broken and mixed. A part of people protested against such a lack of respect to the defuncts.

The Police attacked peacful manifestators using the militar force, as result the manifestators began to protect themselves agianst the aggression and the mass disorder appeared. All nationalities and all citizenship persons took part in disorders. Russianspeaking repressed by today’s regime of aparthied cried some frases against regime. The Policemen assaild citizens who didn’t take part in manifestations, who didn’t know anything about manifestations and who was not ready to protect itself. The arrested persons were tortured and maltreated in the places of detention, some citizens said it was the Nazis-style detention. None was assisted by an advocat, none received some clear accusation. Analists think the disorders were organised by Estonian politicans and their Government with aim to "convince" the Nato to open new militar bases in Estonia. After the lies about "hacker-attacks" a cyber center of Nato was opened in Estonia (it seems, with aim to spy upon Russia).

2008 – the Estonian politicians and their Government despised another cimitery building a new monument to the Estonian Nazis (monument called " a cross of liberty" made as stilyzed Nazi swastica and as the Austrian swastica), in this case the coffins and the defuncts’ bones were broken and mixed by big machines and workers "played" with the bones. The Nazi monument project is not done well and a near church was damaged.

Estonia was put in the list of the countries where the population suffers the hunger. International organisations have indicated taht 7% of the Estonian population is malnourished and suffer the hunger. The Estonian Government do nothing to eliminate poverty and contrasts among sociale classes. The Estonian politicians have ordered luxury salaries and compensations to themselves, damaging the budget, no one Estonian politician helps the poors. The policy of apartheid, social and juridical inequalities, discrimination, marginalization of Russian-speakings, trasformed Estonia in a "powder-magazine". The official program of "integration" aggraves the situation, for example, the only political right of Russian-speakings indicated in this program is a right to attend some courses of learning of the Estonian Constitution and some law.

The situation in Estonia is extremely malsane, it resembles the situation before the revolutions of 1905-1917 in Russian Empire.

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