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Drops of shared information

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Brussels - By Federico Poggi After this morning’s general meeting bilateral negotiation started. Press is thirsty for new information but very few press briefings took place even if news seems to be more available than before. This is because diplomats going in and out their meetings always cede to the pressure of journalists.

fred.jpg Before the third bilateral talk between Germany and Poland, for instance, a diplomat stressed that Poland had not a position, it just wanted to make sure that the Presidency would understand and take into account its position. A couple of hours after, for the first time, another Polish diplomat commented that finally Poland and Germany understood each other but that there were still the other 25 to take care of.

Shortly after, a Spanish diplomat came out saying that all 27 informally agreed that the future EU “minister” for foreign affairs would also have the role of vice president of the Commission.

This kind of information fall like drops in the mouth of someone who has been wandering the desert for more than 24 hours. Journalists need to build their piece of news and badly need a story. That is why every time a high-level diplomat cross the hall of the Justius Lipsius building, pads, microphones and cameras surround him.

One has to imagine this situation in a crowd of journalists of much more than 27 different nationalities in a true tower of Babel even if fortunately in the EU, when it’s needed, people always find a common language. Moreover, between people of different nationalities it is easier to show solidarity and share the brand new news. This is why, just after the person who gave the comment leaves, the second to be surrounded usually is the journalist who asked more questions, as he/she is the one who can best translate the news.

Ordinary methods to work together in Brussels…