DEBATE ! A Multilingual education : just for the elite ?
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Multilingualism : a privilege for the well-off or a treasure accessible to all? On 7 May 2008, in the warm and informal atmosphere of the Halles Saint-Géry, in the heart of Brussels, the Brussels' team of cafebabel.
com, the European magazine, invites you to debate this directly with EU Commissionner Leonard ORBAN, the French Community's Education Minister Christian DUPONTand Professor Henny-Annie BIJLEVELD from ULB/VUB!
Despite the high aims set forth by the European Commission, a multilingual education remains in most EU countries the privilege of the elite and a few eccentrics. How can we promote the knowledge of many languages, a life-skill boosting employability, intercultural understanding, and solidarity, among all Europe’s students? Will we take on the challenges for our education systems? And for the sake of Europe’s future, can we afford not to?
Come and debate this issue with :
M. Leonard ORBAN
EU Commissioner responsible for multilingualism
M. Christian DUPONT
Minister for Education in the French Community, Belgium
Pr. Henny-Annie BIJLEVELD
Professor at ULB and VUB
Speakers and participants can speak in Dutch, French, or English.
Les Halles Saint-Géry Place Saint-Géry 25 -1000 Bruxelles
Wednesday 7 May 2008, from 18:00 to 20:30
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Special Partner
This event is part of cafebabel.com's EU27/BXL19 project, which aims at identifying possible bridges between the euro-expat community and the population of Brussels. This project is supported by the King Baudouin Foundation's BreXpat programme.