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CULTURAL EVENTS: Birgitta’s festival at Tallinn

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Helga Nukk

A glance at Estonia

From 8 till 17 of August in Tallin at the ruins of the Pirita Convent (The Convent of St. Bridget) will be held the Birgitta’s festival. This Convent was the largest Convent of Old Livonia and it is a typical example of late Gothic churches in Tallinn. It was established in 1407 and distroyed in the second half of the 16-th century.

The Raepress have communicated the programm: ballet ("The swans’ lake" of Chaikonkij and "Shaherizade" of Rimskij-Korsakov), operas of Mascagno, Leoncavallo e Donizzetti, flamenco dance in "Don Juan", Orff and Verdi, the musical symbiosis of Gidon Cremer and Cremerata Baltica and a lot of other perfomances.

There take part the new Moscow Opera, the mixed chorus "Latvija", the Russian Imperial Ballet, the Orchestra of the Estonian State, the children male chorus of Tallinn, the soloists Peebo, Juhan Trala, Heli Veskus, Richard Hjung-ki Dju.

The Estonian juvenile Orchestra and the studio "Lasteekraan" (screen for children) have prepared the special programm for children.

On the 15 of August will be held a free day (a day without paying) for the families.

The prices are: 160-470 krones in advacne sale, 190-550 at place, VIP-ticket 1500 krones (one euro is about 15 krones).

The link to the program of festival:

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