Come and wet's 'first photo exhibition' head: 'Orient Express Reporter' launches at Labo 13, Paris, 12 May
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The Balkans and Turkey are so close to us in mainland Europe and yet so far in a political sense.
For, five photographers of French, Argentine, Italian, Taiwanese, Turkish and Serbian nationalities visited five Balkan and Turkish capitals to put their pulse on the lives of our European neighbours.
PODGORICA, DECEMBER 2010, ©Simon Chang warmly invites you to its first exhibition for 'Orient Express Reporter'.
The Orient Express Reporter images are part of the general project, comprised of monthly trips to eight Balkan capitals by a total of 34 young European, Balkan and Turkish journalists across Europe.
Between 10-19 May, the French cultural association Labo 13 will host 17 images illustrating our experience in the Balkans and Turkey. Our avant-premiere takes place on 12 May.
PRISTINA, FEBRUARY 2011, ©Ezequiel Scagnetti
Featuring photographers:
Boris Svartzman, Simon Chang, Ezequiel Scagnetti, Damien Sueur and Nemanja Knezevic.
When? Between 18.30 and 9pm on 12 May
Where? Labo 13, 15 rue Jean-Antoine de Baïf, 75013, Paris. Tél : 01 44 23 20 90
How to get there:
- Five minute walk from university Denis Diderot – Paris 7 - 15 minutes from Centre Pierre Mendès France, at the university Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne - Metro or RER stop is Bibliothèque François Mitterrand (line 14 or RER C) - Buses: 62, 64, 89, 132, 325 and PC2
Let Ovidiu TATARU, project manager, know if you can come and meet us! [email protected]
The mission sees eight special editions which touch on the aspirations of Balkan and Turkey's youth across the European Union borders. Read them on
*Thanks to the MIE for hosting the exhibition in Paris. Curated by Anne-Lore Mesnage and Nabeelah Shabbir