Calling photographers: Illustrate our '15 years of cafébabel' book
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In 2016, cafébabel will celebrate its 15th anniversary with a one-off, celebratory ‘15 years of...' book project. Do you want to be featured as a photographer for one of the 15 cities represented in the book? Take a look at what you could be a part of and apply right here...
In 2016 cafébabel will turn 15. In honour of the occasion we are working on this ambitious project: to print our first book. The anthology will collect 15 memorable cafébabel stories about "Europe in real life". To give the book an additional pan-European and contemporary touch, we are currently looking for young photographers from the 15 featured cities. Maybe you could be one of them?
We are looking for 15 photographers, one for each of the following cafébabel cities:
Athens, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Copenhagen, London,* Naples, Paris, Seville, Vienna, Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb.
We already have applications for some cities but we are still missing photographers in Bratislava, Zagreb, Athens, Copenhagen, Seville and London!*
So if you live in one of these cities and know it like the back of your hand, and you are also a passionate and/or professional photographer, please send us a short application including:
– the name of the city you have picked
– a portfolio, or link to your website
Your "Mission Possible"
The book will include 15 stories from 15 cities from the last 15 years: and you will be asked to illustrate one of the chosen texts with a contemporary look at the city in question, and - of course - your personal touch. Nothing more than that.
More in practice
You and the 14 other photographers will receive a 'naked' unillustrated cafébabel feature report text from the past which you will use as your raw material and point of departure.
Photographers will be free to choose the format and choice of subject. Your only reference will be the text, and the contemporary facets of the city itself.
There will be a maximum limit of 3 photos per city (among them, we will select at least one picture for the book, and the other ones will be published in our online magazine).
What you get out of all this? Your photo will be printed in the cafébabel year book and exhibited during celebrations of our 15th anniversary.
Then please drop us an email to [email protected] and [email protected].
*Update: London has replaced Rome.