Cafebabel's Editors get their tongues in a twist, and it's all for you...
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Joel LewinIt's not always so easy to speak a foreign language. Ask the Cafébabel editors...
Cafébabel is not just a magazine. It's a network of young people who aren't afraid of Europe, but instead embrace it as an everyday part of their lives. Taking part in festivals, working for NGOs or various organisations, or simply sitting behind their keyboard, getting into the spirit with online contributions, Europe is something to be lived. Our network of contributors is the life and soul of the magazine; you Babelians are the ones who keep the magazine alive by writing articles, translating, taking part in local teams and local events, organising meet-ups, or even just reading the magazine. It's not just a two-way symbiosis; it's a community that moves in myriad directions.
We often say that Cafébabel gives young Europeans a voice. Normally, Babelians express themselves in their mother tongue. But multiculturalism also hinges on youung people who learn other languages... sometimes that's easier said than done. The editors of Cafébabel have also got forked tongues... here's the proof.
If you you're also a contributor to Cafébabel and you want to shout it to the world, we've done a few illustrations which you can download and post on social networks. Help yourself! It's our pleasure.
Since we're so lovely(and interesting...), we've also made a tumblr so you can see what goes on behind the scenes; all the hard labour that goes into producing your favourite magazine!
Translated from Quand la langue des éditeurs de cafébabel fourche