Cafebabel.com organizes its 7th Babel Academy in Brussels!
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From 28th September to 1st October 2012, cafebabel.com organizes its 7th Babel Academy in Brussels gathering over 40 participants from all around Europe. The Babel Academy is a key moment in cafebabel.com’s life: it’s a time where we analyze the projects we’ve been leading in the year 2011-12, and where we get ready for next year activities.
It’s also a unique opportunity to get together and to create links between the members of the cafebabel.com network and volunteers, in a laid back environment.
This year, our Babel Academy will be dedicated to Orient Express Reporter 2, our flagship project of 8 debates and 8 feature reports in the European Union countries, Balkans and Turkey.
Over 35 participants from all around Europe will participate in this unique event: journalists, photographers, partners, staff of cafebabel.com and active members from our local teams in Berlin, Rome, Sarajevo, Istanbul, Brussels, Seville, Athens, Belgrade and also Warsaw, Strasbourg and Paris.
This year, the Babel Academy will begin with a special event, taking place on 28th of September: the award ceremony for the Best Photographer and Best Journalist Award from the project Orient Express Reporter 2.
If you are in Brussels and you want to participate to Cafebabel.com Award Ceremony 2012 it’s very simple: just register here!
Curious?! Take a look the Agenda of the closing event of the project Orient Express Reporter 2!
For any additional information, please contact Ovidiu Tataru ([email protected]).
Alexandre Heully