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Cafébabel wins honourable mention

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Translation by:

Kait Bolongaro

inside cafébabel

On June 13, 2014, cafébabel re­ceived the ho­n­ourable men­tion from the as­so­ci­a­tion of Eu­ro­pean jour­nal­ists of Cat­alo­nia (APEC). José Vi­cente Bern­abeu, the Span­ish lan­guage ed­i­tor, trav­elled to Barcelona to re­ceive the prize in per­son.

This year the As­so­ci­a­tion of Eu­ro­pean jour­nal­ists of Cat­alo­nia (APEC) awarded two prizes: the Ernest Udina Prize for the Best Eu­ro­pean Spirit 2014 to jour­nal­ist Eliseo and an ho­n­ourable men­tion to cafébabel.

Eliseo Oliv­eras (Figueras, 1958) re­ceived this dis­tinc­tion for his work as a jour­nal­ist. He has be­come a ref­er­ence for ‘pro­fes­sion­al­ism, orig­i­nal­ity and a Eu­ro­pean spirit’ among jour­nal­ists from all over Eu­rope as much as among read­ers. With the Eu­ro­pean elec­tions and their af­ter­math in full swing, Eu­ro­pean jour­nal­ists like Eliseo Oliv­eras are more im­por­tant than ever. Eliseo cov­ers cit­i­zen par­tic­i­pa­tion in Eu­rope fol­low­ing the changes made to the Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment by the Lis­bon Treaty.

By ac­cord­ing this prize, APEC also recog­nised Eliseo’s ac­com­plish­ments as a cor­re­spon­dent in Brus­sels since the end of 1995 and as head of the Span­ish press for cor­re­spon­dents at the Eu­ro­pean Union. He has held this job since Oc­to­ber 2012, fol­low­ing in the foot­steps of jour­nal­ist Ramón Rodríguez Lavín.

The jour­nal­ist from Figueras, who is also an au­thor and pho­tog­ra­pher, knows the Eu­ro­pean, Cata­lan and Span­ish in­sti­tu­tions well. He fol­lowed the in­te­gra­tion process of Spain from A to Z into what was the Eu­ro­pean Com­mu­nity at the time. In 2003, he won the Sal­vador de Madariaga Prize for Eu­ro­pean Jour­nal­ism.

Began by APEC in 2006, pre­vi­ous win­ners of the Ernest Udina Prize for the best Eu­ro­pean spirit in­clude jour­nal­ist Jaime Arias, Mar­garita Rivière, Agence Eu­rope (founded by sis­ters Lidia and Ma­rina Gazzo), An­dreu Claret, Cristina Gal­lach, Martí Anglada, Soledad Gal­lego-Díaz and David Gard­ner.

Cafébabel also re­ceived an ho­n­ourable men­tion. This dis­tinc­tion was cre­ated in 2012 and given to French jour­nal­ist André Fontaine (1921-2013). Pre­vi­ous Ed­i­tor-in-chief of Le Monde, he was head of the in­ter­na­tional ser­vice fifty years ago when the con­tro­ver­sial in­ter­view with Abbot Es­carré about Fran­co­ism was pub­lished, which he ac­tively crit­i­cised. Last year, the Emma Col­lec­tif was awarded for its work cor­rect­ing Cata­lan sub­jects er­ro­neously pre­sented in news­pa­pers.

José Vin­cente Bern­abeu rep­re­sented cafébabel at the award cer­e­mony, which was held in Barcelona on Fri­day June 13th.

Translated from Mention d'honneur pour cafébabel