Cafébabel takes you to Armenia
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CafébabelIs going to Armenia your dream? But above everything else have you always wanted to participate in one of our masterclasses on multimedia journalism? Then sit back, relax and read.
A few months ago, every brain in the newsroom was bursting with ideas. We wanted to propose new formats and events. And then the idea that has often been in our heads came back again—masterclasses!
Without any further delay, we started working with our best partner by our side Are We Europe, and we are now ready to offer our wonderful choice of workshops, classes and experts. But above all, the possibility of doing it in Armenia.
Where and when?
15 people will have the opportunity to participate in our next masterclass in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. We will take off from Paris on October 9th at 2pm, and return on the 15th at 10pm.
Conditions of participation:
👉 You must be under 35 years-old (Erasmus Youth Program)
👉 Hold a valid European passport
👉 Be able to take off from Paris on October 9th
👉 Understand and speak English, as the whole programme is in English
Programme: Multimedia journalism workshops, reports on the ground, crazy atmosphere, a dream team, and an online multimedia website at the end.
What we need from you in exchange: In order to continue the workshops, we ask you to contribute to the content that will feed the final website, according to the format you have chosen.
To be a part of the adventure, a contribution of 180 euros, or 90 euros for students and members of Cafebabel, is requested.
What does this include?
✔ the Masterclass
✔ the travel from Paris
✔ the accommodation (hotel, youth hostel or Air Bnb)
✔ breakfasts, and lunches.
As a participant, you will follow the workshops of your main block, and work as a team on making reports (videos, photos, writing, data, podcasts, depending on the module chosen) during the five days on location.
You will also be able to choose a secondary block among the four, to attend classes and workshops. You will not need to participate in the production of content in this second block.
The groups
Block A : Journalistic storytelling in written format (narrative writing, fighting clichés and banalities, writing less but better)
Block B : Storytelling with pictures (video shooting, editing, photo)
Block C : Podcasting (recording a podcast, editing, narration)
Block D : Display a story (design, graphics, collection of information)
To get a chance to be a part of this workshop, send us your application now with this link by August 18th. We will contact the selected people between August 26th and 31st.
This project is supported by the Erasmus Youth Program, and is in partnership with the European media collective Are We Europe.

Translated from Cafébabel vous emmène une semaine en Arménie