Cafebabel presents Ourspace
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How would you find the idea of an online platform where you can discuss politics and contact directly your politicians?
At OurSpace, us, young Europeans, have the opportunity to express ourselves over politics and society, make recommendations, propose solutions and vote for best proposals. Not much different from a social network discussing politics.
Actually, OurSpace is the place where we can chat with the people who decide for our future, politicians and the wider decision makers.
At present, OurSpace is offered in 4 languages: German, English, Greek, Czech.
Hot topics currently debated are:
Should the UK stay in Europe? (English)Discussion about immigration and integration in Austria (German)Should Greece leave the euro-zone? (Greek)The cost of education in the CZ republic (Czech).
Cafébabel is a partner of the Ourspace project and we'd like to invite you to register to Ourspace and join the debate online.
You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
This project is co-funded by the EC under the ICT Policy Support Programme. This portal reflects the view only of the Consortium, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.