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Image for Cafebabel, partner of the ninth edition of the Europavox Festival

Cafebabel, partner of the ninth edition of the Europavox Festival

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Cafébabel is happy to announce its partnership with Europavox and the coming launch of the annual tour.  

What is Eu­ropavox ?

Since its cre­ation in 2006, Eu­ropavox has be­come one of the key ac­tors in the Eu­ro­pean pop­u­lar music busi­ness, thanks to di­ver­se ac­tions:

- A main event bring­ing to­gether al­most 50 con­certs and 25, 000 peo­ple for a fes­ti­val in Cler­mont-Fer­rand in (France) for 3 days 

- A tour with Eu­ro­pean bands across France.

- Other con­certs or­ga­nized for spe­cial oc­ca­sions: the 50th an­niver­sary of the Rome treaty, the 25th an­niver­sary of the ERAS­MUS pro­gram, fes­ti­vals in other Eu­ro­pean coun­tries (Swe­den in 2009, Bel­gium in 2010). Artists from all over Eu­rope and across all music gen­res (rock, elec­tro, hip-hop, world…) per­form dur­ing these events.

- Pro­fes­sional meet­ings of the whole Eu­ro­pean mu­si­c in­dus­try.

- A Eu­ro­pean jour­nal­ists cir­cle: 70 mu­si­cal jour­nal­ists from 30 coun­tries, ex­change all year long and meet dur­ing the fes­ti­val pro­mot­ing the event and re­al­iz­ing the mu­si­cal watch on all the Eu­ro­pean ter­ri­tory. This year, Cafeba­bel is a part­ner of the tour and the fes­ti­val. 

A tour fo­cused on « Cul­ture & cit­i­zen­ship »

From the 6th to the 17th of May, the Eu­ropavox tour will visit 13 French cities. In the frame­work of the next Eu­ro­pean elec­tion, which will take place on the 25th of May in France, the tour will in­volve de­bates with young peo­ple and con­certs. 7 in­for­mal and dy­namic de­bates will be placed inder the sign of var­i­ous top­ics such as mo­bil­ity, cul­ture and most of all the im­por­tance of the com­ing elec­tions. 

Cafébabel will curate the de­bate or­gan­ised by the Mai­son de l’Eu­rope de Paris, on the 13th of May at the Maro­quinerie. More in­for­ma­tion (in French) here

Tour dates

06-May : ANGERS - Le Chabada

07-May : CLER­MONT FER­RAND - La Coopéra­tive de Mai

09-May : BOR­DEAUX - I BOAT 

11-May : LA ROCHELLE - La Sirène

12-May : TOUR­CO­ING - Le Grand Mix

13-May : PARIS - La Maro­quinerie

14-May : DIJON - La Vapeur

15-May : MAGNY LE HON­GRE - File 7

15-May : VILLEUR­BANNE - Le Tran­so­brdeur

16-May : SAN­NOIS - L'EMB

16-May : NANCY - L'Autre Canal

17-May : REIMS - La Car­ton­nerie

17-May : RIS ORANGIS - Le Plan 

The Fes­ti­val

The fes­ti­val in­cludes about 50 con­certs and gath­ers 25, 000 fes­ti­val-go­ers for 3 days in Cler­mont-Fer­rand (Au­vergne - France). This year, the fes­ti­val will hap­pen from the 5th to the 7th of June. Take a look at the line-up!  

Are you a pro­fes­sional or am­a­teur jour­nal­ist? Are you in­ter­ested in Eu­ro­pean cul­ture and music? Would you like to cover the tour and the fes­ti­val? We can help you! Con­tact Eme­line asap (e.​mauduit@​cafebabel.​com).