Cafébabel is a media partner for the 2018 Yo!Fest
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CafébabelFor a long time now, Cafébabel has been quietly covering the daily lives of young Europeans. It was about time we partnered up with an organisation that could make these stories heard. That’s why we teamed up with Yo!Fest at the European Youth Event (EYE2018), the biggest festival dedicated to youth, Europe and the future.
17 years later and it’s still the same story: Cafébabel is working hard to make Europe a little sexier. Well, a little sexier than the way it is portrayed in traditional media. As the first participatory magazine for and by young Europeans, we have always fought against the clichés surrounding European institutions, but especially against those that weigh on European countries and their cultures. In building a multilingual media outlet with the help of thousands of young people, Cafébabel made a promise: to show Europe in a new light, with stories from the ground. This promise even became our slogan: “Europe in real life.”
The thing is that 17 years is a long time. Not only have these years been somewhat of a rollercoaster, we were also alone in our ambition to make Europe sexy for a while. Luckily, young and cool European initiatives quickly started to grow around us, despite the fact that Europe was becoming less and less popular with the crisis, unemployment, lack of security, public deficit above 3% of GDP… all of that jazz. Today, we feel less lonely in our fight against stereotypes. This year, we found the ideal partner with whom we intend to boost the Old Continent’s sex appeal: Yo!Fest at the EYE2018.
The Yo!Fest is the first major festival bringing together young Europeans (between the age of 18 and 30) to celebrate Europe and its youth. It is organised by the European Youth Forum with funding from the European Parliament. Concretely, the festival organises debates, workshops, exhibitions and concerts in which politicians, intellectuals, artists, organisations and curious young people all take part. 8,000 participants will be at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on the 1st and 2nd of June to shake up and celebrate Europe.
This year, the Yo!Fest @ the #EYE2018 is focusing on several themes that concern our generation: solidarity, the environment, political innovation, international upheavals and the digital revolution. Each theme will be discussed and put into practice in workshops revolving around topics like feminism, political engagement, digital education, terrorism, the refugee crisis, the future of work, indie culture or sustainable development.
Given the themes that the Yo!Fest @ the #EYE2018 has decided to focus on this year, as well as its ambition to gather thousands of young people for a weekend, it was impossible for us at Cafébabel to refuse the invitation. That’s why we will be the main media partner for the event, which is also celebrating its 10-year anniversary. So come find us in Strasbourg to share some good times, and stay tuned because spring is just around the corner.
If you want to know more about the Yo!Fest and the #EYE2018, don’t hesitate to visit their official website. It’s pretty great. And if you have any questions about Cafébabel, send us an email at: [email protected].
See you soon!
Translated from Cafébabel devient partenaire du Yo!Fest 2018