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Cafébabel debate: TTIP a lot of speculation ? 

Published on

Translation by:

Arthur Campredon


What do we really know about the notorious Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)? What is the status of negotiations? Are our standards in danger? Ca­fé­ba­bel is organising a debate on Tuesday the 17th of June at 6.30pm in the Coco bar (place Luxem­bourg). 

A lack of trans­parency of the on­go­ing talks be­tween the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion and the United States along­side an ab­sence of de­mo­c­ra­tic con­sul­ta­tion on this issue con­tin­ues to feed the concern of Eu­ro­pean Cit­i­zens.

For its next de­bate, Cafeba­bel Brus­sels gath­ers three young ex­perts of the field from the Com­mis­sion, the Eu­ro­pean eco­nomic and so­cial Com­mit­tee and civil so­ci­ety to an­swer our ques­tions and clar­ify once and for all, as Obama said in March, that TTIP is just sub­ject to spec­u­la­tion. 

With Pas­coe Sabido from the Cor­po­rate Eu­rope Ob­ser­va­tory, Ar­naud Rohmer, ad­min­is­tra­tor at the Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion and Philippe Lam­berts, MEP Greens / Eu­ro­pean Free Al­liance, Cafébabel Brus­sels is lauch­ing the de­bate. De­bate which could bridge the gap that ex­ists be­tween the young gen­er­a­tion and all the ex­perts work­ing in this field. In­deed the main goal of this de­bate is to spark an in­ter­est in young Eu­ro­peans that will fos­ter in­volve­ment in the de­vel­op­ment of the TTIP.

That's why we in­vite you to par­tic­i­pate and to come to this de­bate, you can register on this mail address: The registration will allow you to get the free drink we offer you. 

You can find all the information updated on our facebook page:

And on the event:

Hope to see you on Tuesday,

Cafébabel Brussels

Translated from Débat Cafébabel : TTIP a lot of speculation ?