Cafébabel debate: TTIP a lot of speculation ?
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Arthur CampredonWhat do we really know about the notorious Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)? What is the status of negotiations? Are our standards in danger? Cafébabel is organising a debate on Tuesday the 17th of June at 6.30pm in the Coco bar (place Luxembourg).
A lack of transparency of the ongoing talks between the European Commission and the United States alongside an absence of democratic consultation on this issue continues to feed the concern of European Citizens.
For its next debate, Cafebabel Brussels gathers three young experts of the field from the Commission, the European economic and social Committee and civil society to answer our questions and clarify once and for all, as Obama said in March, that TTIP is just subject to speculation.
With Pascoe Sabido from the Corporate Europe Observatory, Arnaud Rohmer, administrator at the European Commission and Philippe Lamberts, MEP Greens / European Free Alliance, Cafébabel Brussels is lauching the debate. Debate which could bridge the gap that exists between the young generation and all the experts working in this field. Indeed the main goal of this debate is to spark an interest in young Europeans that will foster involvement in the development of the TTIP.
That's why we invite you to participate and to come to this debate, you can register on this mail address: [email protected]. The registration will allow you to get the free drink we offer you.
You can find all the information updated on our facebook page:
And on the event:
Hope to see you on Tuesday,
Cafébabel Brussels
Translated from Débat Cafébabel : TTIP a lot of speculation ?