Cafébabel and OFAJ make their festival
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This year, cafébabel joined The Franco-German Office for Youth (OFAJ) in the context of Cannes Film Festival.
What student doesn't dream to participate in a big cinema festival and to sit in the forefront as film critic? For 20 youngs people from France and Germany, this dream will become reality at the next Cannes film festival.
The Franco-German Office for Youth (OFAJ), in parternship with Critic's Week, organize a training workshop to criticism from 17 to 21 May 2016. This 3 days workshop is for young people aged from 14 to 18 years and schooled in sensitive of the said institutions from Paris, Marseille, Berlin, and Hanovre.
During their stay in Cannes, these young people will assist to screenings, will meet movies review and will be guided by journaliste for writting sessions to introduce the film critic. The results of their works will be published on the following blog: https://talentscritiques.ofaj.org/.
Cinema allow the young people to develop their judgment because they interpret a film and modify their own representation. The cultural et artistic diversity of cinema identify the current challenge of society, crises and doubts, and stimulate the awareness amoung the youg people of the world around them. This project also encourages dialogue and fosters intercultural exchange between France and Germany. It has for aim to democratize education in the image addressing new target groups.
It is therefore in the context of the Week's critics that cafébabel has decided to join l'OFAJ to publish works and contents offered by these youth and so allow them a wider distribution in France and in Germany.
Translated from Cafébabel et l'OFAJ font leur festival