Bloomin' babelblogs
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From the deserts of Dubai to French rugby fields, sliding from rural land to urban city, smashing crossroads and borders - babelblogs are everywhere
Summer is over and gone, but in our blogosphere we witnessed a sort of spring as new blogs bloomed one after another
Village people
A new trend that catches the eye is the appearance of ‘rural’ blogs: blog-europe-des-villages.cafebabel.com (French), focussed on agriculture, and ruralnetwork.cafebabel.com (English), with a more spiritual dimesion. Our country bloggers have village-related stories about places, people and events spanning local Europe
The world at a crossroads
From rural villages to a global village that we all reside in: crossroads.cafebabel.com (English) is about our beloved home planet, its problems and future. Alternative energy, saving water, global warming…what can we can do to co-operate? 'Will the future turn nasty and lead to more wars?' asks the blogger. The science and politics behind big environmental issues, things that we all should be aware of if we want to call ourselves responsible
Lets talk over the borders
Cities, villages, countries with common borders. There’s something magical about these invisible lines that someone once scribbled, defining the different sides of borders we live on which make us different people. Even if geographical borders in Europe vanished, we cultivate the idea of borders, divisions, differences - we build walls. Those who believe these walls can be broken down, divisions abolished, borders crossed, happen to have a babelblog! Visit borderslab.cafebabel.com (Italian) and overcome your own limits
Out of Europe
Outside Europe's borders, Hania blogs for wideangle.cafebabel.com (Polish, English). After years of studying at Harvard, she moved to Dubai to teach, and quickly learned what its like to be a blonde Slavic girl in a Muslim country with a banned Skype when trying to contact her family. The surprises keep on rolling with private pools in regular blocks of flats, unidentifiable food in grocery stores and champagne showers in VIP clubs - a true babelblog of a thousand nights and a night
Throw a ball at this week's most recent babelblog - meleeouverte.cafebabel.com 'open scrum' (French) celebrates blood, sweat and broken teeth … we're not talking war, but the rugby world cup currently taking place in France until 20 October