Beyond the Curtain - Now in French
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On March 1st we published our e-magazine "Beyond the Curtain". Back then we only published in German, English and Polish. But thanks to a grant provided by the German-French Youth Office (DFJW), the e-magazine has now also been made available in French.
It began with a project—Beyond the Curtain. Starting in September 2014, young journalists went in search for new stories for Cafébabel about the former borders between eastern and western Europe, just in time for the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain. What followed was an e-magazine published on March 1st through issuu.com. Since then it has found many readers from across Europe.
Among those who liked our project was also the German-French Youth Office (DFJW). So much so that we received a grant to translate the e-magazine into French. Luckily we have Sophia Andreotti on our team here in Berlin; she esnured that our reports from Bratislava, Görlitz, Slubice, Vienna and Budapest were made available to read in French. So the journey continues... what language is next?
For our French-speaking friends, follow this link to the e-magazine!
25 years ago the Iron Curtain fell. Ten years ago eight post-communist countries joined the EU. But what do we really know about our neighbours on the other side of the border? Email berlin(at)cafebabel.com, to become part of the reporter team!
Translated from Beyond the Curtain - jetzt auch auf Französisch