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Berlin Jukebox: Esquina Latina

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Translation by:

Eva Kyriakou


With nine band mem­bers and many in­stru­ments “Es­quina Latina” is prob­a­bly one of the biggest bands of Berlin. And by doing this the band wants to es­tab­lish Afro-Cuban Salsa in the cap­i­tal city. Cafeba­bel re­cently spoke with three of its mem­bers.

Most peo­ple as­so­ci­ate salsa with Latin Amer­ica. Very few would think of Berlin when talk­ing about hot sounds. But in the cap­i­tal there is more than just bor­ing melodies. Since 2010 Es­quina Latina has been play­ing afro-cuban music here. The band makes a sur­pris­ingly new in­ter­pre­ta­tion of tra­di­tional music from artists like Bebo Valdez, Ray Bar­retto or “Buena Vista So­cial Club”.  And this, with nine band mem­bers, vo­cals and many in­stru­ments: per­cus­sion, drums, alto sax­o­phone, bass, gui­tar, piano, bari­tone sax­o­phone and trum­pet. 

How did you come up with the idea to play salsa?

Tobi: A few years ago, I took some drum­ming lessons and back then my teacher en­cour­aged me to­wards this di­rec­tion. He him­self had been taught by a very fa­mous Conga-player. This seemed to fit perfectly for us, as me and Tuz were search­ing some­thing new at the time. At first Es­quina Latina was, also, a kind of an art self-study-pro­ject:  we cap­tured the style and then de­vel­oped our own per­sonal voice.

Henry: This music is ex­tremely lively and it car­ries me away every time, even though per­son­ally I don’t lis­ten to it that often. How­ever, I have a real deep con­nec­tion with it, al­though I can’t re­ally ex­plain it. More­over, like Funk and Jazz it be­longs to a sim­ple but at the same time quite com­plex style of art that holds so much po­ten­tial for a mu­si­cian.

Does any of you have a per­sonal re­la­tion­ship with Latin Amer­ica?

Henry: Yes, my fa­ther has a Cuban wife and I have also been in Cuba my­self. Since I vis­ited, I have a very close bond with that fam­ily and that coun­try. That is one of the rarest spots on earth where some­one can still ex­pe­ri­ence the “old times”.

"La­gri­mas Ne­gras"

What is spe­cial about your music? How would you de­scribe your per­sonal style?

Tobi: We play Salsa. But we also have many other in­flu­ences, in par­tic­u­lar from Funk, Jazz and Blues – which is the style we orig­i­nally come from.

Lea: Even if we make cov­ers of songs, we try to en­rich them: we make new arrange­ments, for ex­am­ple we might change the line of the wind in­stru­ments.

Tobi: That is also the case for elec­tric gui­tars, as often they are not pre­sent in the ex­ist­ing arrange­ments.

Henry: Of course, we play Salsa, like many, but ours is “young and fresh”. We also have the flow, the vigor and the en­ergy that comes from our pub­lic and from our­selves.

"El Cuarto de Tula"

Which are your per­sonal role-mod­els?

Tobi: We have been ob­vi­ously in­spired by the “Buena Vista So­cial Club”. The album is quite im­pres­sive. Per­son­ally I like “Los Van Van”, one of the Latin Jazz bands from Cuba. Apart from that, I find the fu­sion be­tween Jazz and Salsa very fas­ci­nat­ing.

Lea: Glo­ria Es­te­fan is re­ally good; es­pe­cially her salsa record “Mi tierra”. I can iden­tify with her voice and gen­er­ally I like her singing style. Un­for­tu­nately there are a few women that sing salsa. I some­what lack role-mod­els.

Henry: Tito Puente, Perez Prado, Buena Vista So­cial Club and James Brown.

You have just ap­peared at the “Karneval der Kul­turen”. The “Fete de la musique” comes next, today. What does Berlin mean to your music and for you per­son­ally?

Lea: Berlin is ob­vi­ously our home­town, the city that de­fines us. But Berlin is also a big stage, where we go out on the streets.

Henry:  Thus, we have quite a mixed pub­lic. And po­ten­tially all parts of the pop­u­la­tion can have ac­cess. Berlin is a re­ally tol­er­ant, fucked up, beau­ti­ful, ugly, crazy and en­ter­tain­ing city.

"La vida es un car­naval": Es­quina Latina per­formed at the Carnival of Cultures 2014.

Tobi: This city pro­vides with many pos­si­bil­i­ties to have ac­cess to music. In Wed­ding there is a big Turk­ish speak­ing com­mu­nity with re­spec­tive music in­flu­ences. And that goes, in prin­ci­ple, for all in­flu­ences. You can lis­ten to music any­where and make it your­self. We make Salsa. There are not so many salsa bands here. Most of them are rel­a­tively small. And we are here with nine peo­ple, which is rare. But we have ob­vi­ously the right sound.

And how do you see the fu­ture for Es­quina Latina?

Tobi: We ob­vi­ously want to try new Arrange­ments. This is why we have record­ings al­ready planned. Fi­nally, we will try a small out­door ses­sion: in parks, with­out the aid of tech­nol­ogy more or less and keep every­thing short. Dance with every­one.

Lea: Sim­ply put, pack our boxes and go out, for ex­am­ple to play in Mauer­park. We want to be mo­bile and to play for even more danc­ing crowds

If you want to watch Es­quina Latina per­form live, you can go to their con­cert tonight: The band will play at 20:00 on the stage of Arthen­schutzthe­ater (Lüneb­urger Str., 10557 Berlin Mitte).


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Translated from Berlin Jukebox: Esquina Latina