Babelblogs Top Ten
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The most viewed Babelblogs for the start of 2009 1. paris.cafebabel.com Cafebabel.com’s local team La Parisienne leads with their blog written in 5 languages http://paris.cafebabel.
The voice of Estonia which brings you almost daily news from the freezing region up North
3. coffeefactory.cafebabel.com
The blog which you are reading! Coffeefactory tells you everything important going on at cafebabel.com
4. eurogeneration.cafebabel.com
The children of the Erasmus program, Interrail and low-cost travels with a babelian mind
The very colorful site of our local team in Hungary
Politics seen from an artistic angle: Linea presents you the best cartoon strips out of the web
Our local team in Bruxells brings you news from the European capital in three languages including Flemish
Followed by the other European capital and a very active team that brings you lots of monthly debates
A personal perspective on events in the western Balkans from a Finish expert on civil crisis management
The resurrection of the London blog thanks to Katherine and her team!
The Babel blog sphere is constantly gaining clicks and evolving thanks to you. Keep up the good work!