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Babel International General Assembly this weekend!

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Story by

Jean Anot

inside cafébabel

Hello fellow readers, bloggers and passers-by,

This weekend, Babel International, the association behind, is holding its annual General Assembly in Paris. This is the time of the year when all members of the association and bloggers are coming from all over Europe to work on the objectives for the year ahead.

We also are going to work on some new editorial guidelines and think about any improvements we could bring to the mag.


In short, if you have anything you want us to hear about, ideas, suggestions, critiques, it is the right time! Email me:

As you can imagine, we won't be working day and night so there are a few social events organised, if you want to join us and meet us, let me know as well! If you're in Paris, both friday and saturday nights look very promissing!

Thank you again to all of you for reading and supporting us. It is a pleasure to work for Cafebabel and I hope you have just as much fun reading our articles.


Jean, your community manager.

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